Thursday, 2 November 2017

Kg Käufer Verkäufer Trading System

Hilfe-Optionen Hilfe-Menü Klicken Sie auf das Hilfemenü oben auf jeder Seite, um auf die folgenden Werkzeuge zuzugreifen: Hilfe auf dieser Seite ndash Enthält FAQs, spezifische Anweisungen und zusätzliche Informationen für die Abschnitte und Prozesse, die Sie auf dem Bildschirm sehen. Online Technischer Support ndash Bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, Antworten online zu finden, online mit einem FedEx Technical Support Agent zu chatten oder eine Frage zu stellen. Interaktive Hilfe-Anleitung ndash Bietet eine Demo, die Möglichkeit, mit unseren Anwendungen, Hilfe während der tatsächlichen Transaktionen, ein bedruckbares Benutzerhandbuch und ldquoWhatrsquos Newrdquo Informationen zu üben. Kontakt FedEx Beziehen Sie sich auf FedEx Kundensupport für Möglichkeiten, um FedEx per E-Mail, Mail oder Telefon zu kontaktieren. Häufig gestellte Fragen Erstellen Sie eine inländische Sendung (nur USA und Kanada) Füllen Sie die erforderlichen Informationen auf dem Bildschirm Erstellen eines Versandes und klicken Sie auf Schiff, um Ihren Versand zu drucken Etikette. Für detaillierte Hilfe mit Abschnitten auf diesem Bildschirm, entweder weiter lesen oder wählen Sie eine der folgenden spezifischen Themen. Sie können auch auf den Link "Hilfe" oben auf jedem Abschnitt klicken: Erstellen einer internationalen Sendung Füllen Sie die erforderlichen Informationen auf dem Bildschirm "Erstellen einer Sendung" und klicken Sie auf "Schiff" oder "Weiter". Dokumentenversand: Wenn Sie Dokumente ohne Wiederverkaufswert versenden, klicken Sie auf Schiff, um Ihr Versandetikett zu drucken. Produktcommodity Sendungen: Wenn Sie Produkte oder Waren versenden, klicken Sie auf Weiter, um die erforderlichen Wareninformationen und Informationen für die Zolldokumentation einzugeben. Dann klicken Sie auf Schiff, um Ihr Versandetikett und die Zolldokumentation zu drucken. Für detaillierte Hilfe mit Abschnitten auf diesem Bildschirm, lesen Sie weiter oder wählen Sie aus einem der folgenden Themen. Sie können auch auf den Link "Hilfe" klicken. Von bis Paketverstärker Versand Details Frachtpaketverstärker Versand Details Abrechnungsdetails Besondere Services PickupDrop-off E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen Rate amp Transit Times Vervollständigen Sie Ihre Versandanweisungen Absenderinformationen Verwenden Sie eine der folgenden Optionen, um den Absender zu ändern: Wählen Sie einen anderen Absender aus Ihrer Adresse aus Buchen Sie mit den Dropdown-Menüs "Gespeicherte Absender", "Kontakt-ID", "Unternehmen" oder "Kontaktname". Geben Sie alle erforderlichen Informationen für einen neuen Absender ein. Absenderinformationen speichern Als Standardadresse speichern: Bezeichnet den Absender als Standard für zukünftige Sendungen. Neue Absender im Adressbuch speichern: Spart einen neuen Absender für zukünftige Sendungen. Änderungen im Adressbuch speichern: Aktualisiert die Absenderinformationen im Adressbuch. Empfängerinformationen Verwenden Sie eine der folgenden Optionen, um Ihre Empfängerinformationen einzugeben oder auszuwählen. Wählen Sie einen gespeicherten Empfänger aus Ihrem Adressbuch aus, indem Sie die Dropdown-Menüs "Kontakt-ID", "Unternehmen" oder "Kontaktname" eingeben. Geben Sie alle erforderlichen Informationen für einen neuen Empfänger ein. Hinweis: FedEx Express und FedEx Ground können nicht an P. O. Boxen innerhalb der USA Im Allgemeinen wurden jedoch internationale FedEx Express Reg-Sendungen an eine P. O. Box sind für die meisten von FedEx bedienten Länder akzeptabel. Bitte beziehen Sie sich auf FedEx Service Guide bei Fedex für vollständige Details über Ausnahmen. Get EEISED Daten Klicken Sie auf EEISED Daten zu importieren EEI-Daten für eine internationale Sendung, einschließlich Empfänger Informationen. Dieser Link muss im Abschnitt "Internationale Einstellungen" auf dem Bildschirm "Einstellungen" aktiviert sein. Führen Sie eine detaillierte Adressprüfung durch. FedEx prüft automatisch die Empfängeradresse für Sie. Wenn die Adresse fehlt Informationen, eine vorgeschlagene Adresse gegeben wird, oder Sie können wählen, um die Adresse wie eingegeben verwenden. Hinweis mdash Versand zu einer falschen Adresse kann zu einem Adresskorrekturzuschlag führen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Anpassen der Adressprüfung, um die Standardwerte für den FedEx reg Address Checker festzulegen. Weitere Informationen zum FedEx Address Checker finden Sie unter FedEx Address Checker. Dies ist eine Wohnadresse Wählen Sie diese Option, um anzuzeigen, dass Sie an einen Wohnsitz innerhalb der USA statt einer Geschäftsadresse versandt werden. Eine Wohnadresse ist eine Heimat oder eine private Residenz, auch wenn ein Unternehmen von zu Hause aus betrieben wird. FedEx überprüft automatisch das Wohnadresse-Feld, wenn unsere Aufzeichnungen die Adresse angeben, ist eine Residenz. Sie können wählen, die Box zu deaktivieren. Bitte wenden Sie sich an den FedEx Service Guide bei Fedex für weitere Informationen über Wohnungszusatzzuschläge. Wohnungslieferungen für die meisten Sendungen erfordern keine Unterschrift für FedEx Express-Lieferungen, es sei denn, Sie wählen eine FedEx reg Delivery Signature Option. Empfängerinformationen speichern Neuen Empfänger im Adressbuch speichern: Speichert den Empfänger für zukünftige Verwendung. Änderungen im Adressbuch speichern: Aktualisierungen der Empfängerinformationen im Adressbuch speichern. Überprüfen Sie die Regierungsliste der nicht akzeptablen Handelspartner Wenn Sie eine internationale Sendung erstellen, klicken Sie auf diese Option, um das Ablehnungs-Screening-Tool anzuzeigen, das potenzielle Übereinstimmungen aus Regierungslisten von Ländern, Einzelpersonen, Unternehmen oder anderen Organisationen, die wirtschaftliche und handelsrechtliche Sanktionen verhängt haben, abruft gegen sie. Postleitzahlenanforderungen und Länder betroffenen Empfänger Postleitzahlen sind erforderlich, wenn sie in bestimmte Länder versandt werden. Die Verwendung von Postleitzahlen hilft, Verzögerungen zu minimieren und Pakete an ihre Ziele effizienter zu bringen. Im Folgenden finden Sie eine Liste der Länder, die eine Postleitzahl benötigen. Das richtige Format für jede Postleitzahl ist in der nachfolgenden Tabelle enthalten. Zusätzliche optionale Formate könnten auch akzeptabel sein. Dies variiert je nach Zielland. Optionales Postpräfix Paketverstärker Versand Details Versanddatum Sie können einen Versand und Drucketiketten bis zu 10 Tage im Voraus für FedEx Expressreg Sendungen verarbeiten. Das zukünftige Datum druckt auf dem Etikett. Anzahl der Verpackungen FedEx One Rate Reg-Pricing ist nur für Einzelstück Sendungen erhältlich. Wenn Sie mehr als ein Paket versenden und alle das gleiche Gewicht und die Abmessungen haben, klicken Sie auf Ja für Sind Pakete identisch Wenn Sie mehr als ein Paket versenden und nicht alle Pakete identisch sind, klicken Sie auf Nein und geben Sie einzelne Paketinformationen in der Multiple - Stück Versand Details (MPS) Abschnitt. Dieser Abschnitt ist auf 10 Reihen begrenzt. Ihre gesamte Sendung ist auf 25 Pakete beschränkt. Für internationale Warensendungen mit U. S. oder Puerto Rico Herkunft kann FedEx Ship Manager Reg nicht verwendet werden, um mehrere Pakete an denselben Empfänger am selben Tag zu versenden, wenn eine einzelne Ware in der Sendung einen Wert größer als U. S. 2.500 hat. Preisoptionen: Wählen Sie Ihre Preisoption. FedEx Standard Rate beinhaltet FedExreg Standard List Preise und Konto-spezifische Preise. Die FedEx Standard Rate Zitat, die Sie erhalten, basiert auf Paketgewicht eingegeben, Maße und andere Versanddetails. Weitere Informationen darüber, wie die Versandkosten berechnet werden, finden Sie im FedEx Service Guide unter Fedex. FedEx One Rate ist eine US-Inlandspreis-Option für FedEx Expressreg Sendungen, die alle anwendbaren Wohnungszuschläge, Liefergebietszuschläge und Treibstoffzuschlag beinhaltet. Die Versender sind verpflichtet, FedEx Express-Verpackungen und US-amerikanische FedEx Express-Versanddienste (FO, PO, SO, E2, E2AM und ESP) zu verwenden. FedEx One Rate unterliegt anderen Gebühren, einschließlich, aber nicht beschränkt auf, On-Call-Abholung, Samstag Lieferung, Unterschrift Service-Optionen, zusätzliche deklarierte Wert und Adresse Korrektur Korrekturen. Weitere Informationen über FedEx One Rate finden Sie im FedEx Service Guide unter Fedex. Bitte beachten Sie die Preise und Transit Times Abschnitt für zusätzliche Informationen über Bewertung. Hinweis: Während das Wiegen Ihres Pakets nicht für FedEx One Rate Preisgestaltung erforderlich ist, um zu qualifizieren, FedEx reg Umschläge müssen 10 Pfund wiegen. Oder weniger und FedEx reg Paks und FedEx reg Boxen müssen 50 lbs wiegen. oder weniger. Wenn Ihr Paket diese Gewichtsgrenzen überschreitet, wird es auf der Grundlage von FedEx reg Standard List Rates oder FedEx reg Retail Preise bewertet. Bitte beachten Sie die spezifische Verpackung für empfohlene Gewichtsgrenzen. Gewicht oder Gewicht pro Paket Geben Sie das Gewicht Ihrer Sendung ein. Wenn Ihre Sendung mehr als ein Paket enthält und alle Pakete identisch sind, geben Sie das Gewicht pro Paket ein. FedEx behält sich die Möglichkeit vor, Ihr Paket neu zu messen und zu messen. Ihre Rate kann sich je nach tatsächlichen Gewicht oder Abmessungen ändern. Wenn Sie eine Skalierung verwenden, um dieses Feld automatisch zu füllen, müssen Sie im Bildschirm "Einstellungen" auf dem Bildschirm "Einstellungen" die Option "Skalieren" verwenden. Deklarierter Kurswert oder Deklarierter Wert pro Paket Geben Sie den deklarierten Wert für Sendungen innerhalb der USA und Kanada oder den Wagenwert für internationale Sendungen ein. Wenn Ihre Sendung mehr als ein Paket enthält und alle Pakete identisch sind, geben Sie den Wert pro Paket ein. Deklarierter Wert: Der deklarierte Wert eines Pakets stellt unsere maximale Haftung im Zusammenhang mit einer Versendung dieses Pakets dar, einschließlich, aber nicht beschränkt auf Verlust, Beschädigung, Verzögerung, Fehllieferung, Nichtlieferung, Fehlinformationen, Versäumnisse Informationen oder Missbrauch von Informationen über die Sendung. Es ist die shipperrsquos Verantwortung, um tatsächliche Schäden zu beweisen. Die Exposition und das Risiko eines Verlustes, der über dem deklarierten Wert liegt, wird vom Versender übernommen. Sie können dieses Risiko auf einen Versicherungsnehmer Ihrer Wahl durch den Kauf einer Versicherung zu übertragen. Kontaktieren Sie einen Versicherungsvertreter oder Makler, wenn Sie Versicherungsschutz wünschen. Beförderungswert: Der Wagenwert ist der Verkaufspreis oder Ersatzkosten eines internationalen Versandinhalts. Der angegebene Wert für die Beförderung stellt die maximale Haftung für FedEx im Zusammenhang mit dieser Sendung dar. Die Exposition und das Risiko eines Verlustes, der den deklarierten Wert übersteigt, wird vom Versender übernommen. Dieser Wert sollte auf dem FedEx Ship Manager Versandbeleg und der Commercial Invoice gleich sein. Falls erforderlich. Der Wagenwert darf den Zollwert nicht überschreiten. Konsultieren Sie den geltenden Tarif, das Begriffe-Kapitel im FedEx Service Guide oder die geltenden Standardbedingungen für Details und Einschränkungen. Service-Typ Wählen Sie im Dropdown-Menü den Service-Typ aus. Bitte beachten Sie die FedEx Service Guide bei Fedex für detaillierte Informationen über FedExreg Services und Lieferverpflichtungen. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie über FedEx Ground eingerichtet und zugelassen sein müssen. Bitte rufen Sie 1.800.GoFedEx 1.800.463.3339 an, um zu verlangen, dass Ihr Konto für FedEx Ground Reg Versand eingerichtet ist. Samstag Lieferung Wählen Sie diese Option, um FedEx liefern Ihre Sendung an einem Samstag. Für U. S. und Kanada inländischen FedEx Express Versand, wird Samstag Lieferdienst für FedEx First Overnightreg, FedEx Priority Overnightreg und FedEx 2Dayreg zu ausgewählten Standorten angeboten. Wenden Sie sich an Ihr lokales FedEx Office, um Informationen über die ausgewählten Orte zu erhalten, die samstags liefern. Für einige Dienstleistungen können Sie eine spezielle Bearbeitungsgebühr in Rechnung stellen. Für FedEx First Overnight reg Fracht, FedEx 1Day reg Fracht, FedEx 2Day reg Fracht und FedEx International Priority Reg Fracht Sendungen können für Samstag Lieferung zur Auswahl von U. S. und internationalen Destinationen angeboten werden. Wenden Sie sich an Ihr lokales FedEx Office, um Informationen über die ausgewählten Orte zu erhalten, die samstags liefern. Für diesen Service gilt eine FedEx Expressreg Frachtzuschlagsgebühr. Pakettyp Wählen Sie den Pakettyp aus dem Dropdown-Menü aus. Weitere Informationen über FedEx-Verpackungen finden Sie im FedEx Service Guide bei Fedex. Bitte beziehen Sie sich auf Order Supplies Online, wenn Sie FedEx Beutel und Verpackungen bestellen müssen. FedEx One Rate Packaging Überlegungen Während das Wiegen Ihres Pakets ist nicht erforderlich für FedEx One Rate Preisgestaltung, zu qualifizieren, FedEx Briefumschläge müssen 10 Pfund wiegen. Oder weniger und FedEx Paks und Boxen müssen 50 lbs wiegen. oder weniger. Wenn Ihr Paket diese Gewichtsgrenzen überschreitet, wird es auf der Grundlage der FedEx Standard List Rates bewertet. Bitte beachten Sie die spezifische Verpackung für empfohlene Gewichtsgrenzen. Verpackungen, die überfüllt sind, können zu einer Wiederherstellung führen, die auf FedEx-Standardraten basiert. Abmessungen Wählen Sie ein gespeichertes Dimensionsprofil aus dem Dropdown-Menü aus oder klicken Sie auf Abmessungen manuell eingeben. Die Mindestpaketabmessungen sind für jede Abmessung 1 Länge, Länge (L), Breite (W) oder Höhe (H). Um Ihre Dimensionen für zukünftige Sendungen zu speichern, klicken Sie auf Dimensionen speichern und geben Sie den Profilnamen (bis zu 10 Zeichen) ein. Sie können bis zu 20 Profile speichern. Um Dimensionsprofile anzuzeigen, zu modifizieren oder zu löschen, wählen Sie im Register "Meine Listen" die Option "Abmessungen". Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Dimensionen. FedEx International Ground reg Wenn Sie FedEx International Ground als Service-Typ auswählen, können Sie eine der folgenden Optionen auswählen: Ich möchte meine eigene Commercial InvoicePro Forma Rechnung verwenden: Eine Commercial Invoice wird nicht online erstellt FedEx Schiffsmanager. Wenden Sie sich an das FedEx Document Preparation Center, wenn Sie Ihre Commercial Invoice mit FedExreg Global Trade Manager erstellen möchten. Ich möchte eine Commercial Invoice für FedEx Ground erstellen: Eine Commercial Invoice wird online von FedEx Ship Manager erstellt. Packungsinhalt mdash Dokumente Packungsinhalt: Klicken Sie auf Dokumente, wenn Ihr internationaler Versand Briefe, Aussagen, Anträge und sonstige Korrespondenz enthält, die nicht zum Weiterverkauf gehören. Dokumentbeschreibung: Wählen Sie eine Beschreibung aus dem Dropdown-Menü aus, das Ihr Dokument am besten beschreibt, oder klicken Sie auf Ihre Dokumentbeschreibung und geben Sie Ihre Beschreibung in das Textfeld ein. Falls gewünscht, klicken Sie auf Als Standardvorgabe speichern. Wenn Sie keinen kommerziellen Wert wählen. Fahren Sie mit dem Abschnitt Abrechnungsdetails fort. Wenn Sie eine andere Beschreibung auswählen, fahren Sie weiter unten fort. Versandzweck: Wählen Sie den Versandzweck aus dem Dropdown-Menü aus. Diese Information druckt auf der Handelsrechnung. Wenn kein Zweck ausgewählt ist, wird das Feld standardmäßig zu Handelszwecken und Ihre Sendung wird durch den Zoll unter den entsprechenden Länderbestimmungen für Handelslieferungen freigegeben. Kommerziell: Jede Sendung, die von einer Geschäftseinheit zur anderen verkauft oder versandt wird, zum Zwecke der Wiederverkäufe oder sonstigen Veräußerung im Rahmen der Geschäftstätigkeit. Geschenk: Jede Sendung, die Gegenstände enthält, die als unerwünschtes Geschenk gegeben werden, von einer Privatperson zu einer anderen Privatperson, die nicht von einem Unternehmen versendet werden, noch zu einem Geschäft versendet werden. Beispiel: Jede Sendung, die Gegenstände enthält, die kostenlos versandt oder verstümmelt oder anderweitig ungeeignet zum Verkauf oder Gebrauch gemacht wurden, außer als Handelsmuster, die mit der Aufmachung der Bestellung eines Auftrags oder als Mock-up zur Förderung einer bestehenden Lieferung versendet werden Auftrag von der ausländischen Einheit. Rückgabe und Reparatur: Artikel, die für Reparaturen oder Gegenstände ausgeliefert werden, die zuvor für Reparaturen exportiert wurden, die nach der Reparatur zurückgegeben werden. Persönliche Effekte: Jede Sendung mit gebrauchten persönlichen Artikeln wie unbegleiteten Gepäck und Hausrat, die zur Umsiedlung versendet werden. Persönlicher Benutzer: Alle Sendungen, die neue Waren für den persönlichen Verbrauch enthalten, die im Ausland gekauft und an eine Privatperson zurückgesandt werden. Gesamtzollwert: Geben Sie den Gesamtbetrag ein, der allen Belegen im Versand zugeordnet ist. Einige Länder haben eine Beschränkung für akzeptable Werte für Dokumente. Der Zollwert ist der Transaktions - oder Verkaufspreis für den Inhalt der Sendung, wenn er verkauft wird. Wenn die Sendung nicht verkauft wird, sollte der Zollwert der Marktwert sein. Der Marktwert ist der Preis, den ein Verkäufer von einem Käufer für den Inhalt der Sendung erhalten würde, wenn er auf dem freien Markt verkauft werden würde. Nominalwerte sind für den Zoll nicht akzeptabel und können zu Geldstrafen und / oder Beschlagnahme der Sendung führen. Hinweis: Wenn Sie Währungsumrechnungen unter Verwendung des Interbank-Zinssatzes berechnen möchten, klicken Sie auf das Währungsumrechnungssymbol neben dem Total Customs Value Currency Dropdown Menü. Dieses Tool sollte nur als Leitfaden verwendet werden. Dokumente exportieren: Falls gewünscht, klicken Sie bitte auf Complete Commercial Invoice online. Siehe Handelsrechnung für Handelsrechnungen. Überprüfen Sie die Verkaufsbedingungen. Welcher Punkt, an dem die Verkäufer ihre Verpflichtungen erfüllt haben, so dass die Ware an den Käufer geliefert worden ist. Das Dropdown-Menü steht für Free Carrier (FCAFOB). Zusätzliche Rechnungsinformationen: Klicken Sie auf diesen Link, um zusätzliche Informationen einzugeben (z. B. Fracht - und Versicherungskosten), die Sie auf einer Online-Rechnung erstellen möchten. Die zusätzlichen Gebühren, die in diesen optionalen Feldern eingegeben werden, werden vom Absender hinzugefügt und sind nicht mit FedEx-Gebühren verbunden. Packungsinhalt mdash ProductsCommodities Paketinhalt: Klicken Sie auf ProdukteCommodities, wenn Ihr internationaler Versand Produkte oder Waren (Nicht-Dokumente) oder Dokumente für den Weiterverkauf enthält. Versandzweck: Wählen Sie den Versandzweck aus dem Dropdown-Menü aus. Diese Information druckt auf der Handelsrechnung. Wenn kein Zweck ausgewählt ist, wird das Feld standardmäßig zu Handelszwecken und Ihre Sendung wird durch den Zoll unter den entsprechenden Länderbestimmungen für Handelslieferungen freigegeben. Kommerziell: Jede Sendung, die von einer Geschäftseinheit zur anderen verkauft oder versandt wird, zum Zwecke der Wiederverkäufe oder sonstigen Veräußerung im Rahmen der Geschäftstätigkeit. Geschenk: Jede Sendung, die Gegenstände enthält, die als unerwünschtes Geschenk gegeben werden, von einer Privatperson zu einer anderen Privatperson, die nicht von einem Unternehmen versendet werden, noch zu einem Geschäft versendet werden. Beispiel: Jede Sendung, die Gegenstände enthält, die kostenlos versandt oder verstümmelt oder anderweitig ungeeignet zum Verkauf oder Gebrauch gemacht wurden, außer als Handelsmuster, die mit der Aufmachung der Bestellung eines Auftrags oder als Mock-up zur Förderung einer bestehenden Lieferung versendet werden Auftrag von der ausländischen Einheit. Rückgabe und Reparatur: Artikel, die für Reparaturen oder Gegenstände ausgeliefert werden, die zuvor für Reparaturen exportiert wurden, die nach der Reparatur zurückgegeben werden. Persönliche Effekte: Jede Sendung mit gebrauchten persönlichen Artikeln wie unbegleiteten Gepäck und Hausrat, die zur Umsiedlung versendet werden. Gesamtzollwert: Geben Sie den Gesamtwert ein, der allen Produkten oder Waren im Versand zugeordnet ist. Einige Länder haben eine Beschränkung für akzeptable Werte für Produkte oder Waren. Der Zollwert ist der Transaktions - oder Verkaufspreis für den Inhalt der Sendung, wenn er verkauft wird. Wenn die Sendung nicht verkauft wird, sollte der Zollwert der Marktwert sein. Der Marktwert ist der Preis, den ein Verkäufer von einem Käufer für den Inhalt der Sendung erhalten würde, wenn er auf dem freien Markt verkauft werden würde. Nominalwerte sind für den Zoll nicht akzeptabel und können zu Geldstrafen und / oder Beschlagnahme der Sendung führen. Hinweis: Wenn Sie Währungsumrechnungen unter Verwendung des Interbank-Zinssatzes berechnen möchten, klicken Sie auf das Währungsumrechnungssymbol neben dem Total Customs Value Currency Dropdown Menü. Dieses Tool sollte nur als Leitfaden verwendet werden. Fortsetzung der Eingabe von Abrechnungsdetails und optionaler Informationen für Ihre Sendung. Klicken Sie dann auf Weiter, um die erforderlichen Wareninformationen und Informationen für die Zolldokumentation einzugeben. Handelsrechnungsoptionen Die Handelsrechnung ist das häufigste Dokument, das für die Beseitigung Ihrer Sendungen durch den Zoll erforderlich ist. Es ist typischerweise für Sendungen von Nicht-Dokumenten-Rohstoffen erforderlich, aber dies variiert je nach Land, Größe, Gewicht, Menge und Wert. Siehe Commercial Invoice für FedEx Express und FedEx International Ground Reg Anforderungen. FedEx Express Reg Freight Paketverstärker Sendungsdetails FedEx betrachtet FedEx Express Freight Services eine einzelne Handling Unit oder ein Paket, das typischerweise an einem Skid befestigt ist und zwischen 151 Pfund (69 Kilogramm) und 2.200 Pfund (997 Kilogramm) wiegt. Ein Skid ist eine gabelstabile Basis, die verwendet wird, um ein Objekt zu befördern. Typische Arten von Kufen sind aus Hartholz oder Kunststoff, sind mindestens 4 Zoll (10 cm) hoch und können in Länge und Breite variieren. Maximale Skid-Abmessungen sind 119 Zoll (302 cm) lang und 70 Zoll (178 cm) hoch, mit einer maximalen Länge und Umfang von 300 Zoll (762 cm). Alle FedEx Express Fracht muss gabelstaplig, stapelbar, banded und schrumpfen. Für Einzelkufen, die eine der maximalen Abmessungen übersteigen oder die über 2.200 Pfund (997 kg) wiegen, sind besondere Handhabungsregelungen vorzusehen. Bitte rufen Sie FedEx an, um eine solche Sendung zu planen. In der U. S. rufen Sie FedEx Express Freight Kundendienst unter 1.800.332.0807 an. In Kanada, rufen Sie 1.800.GoFedEx 1.800.463.3339. Für alle anderen Standorte rufen Sie Ihre lokale FedEx Kundendienstnummer an. Der Platz muss für alle FedEx 1Day reg Freight gebucht werden (nur U. S. und Kanada), FedEx International Priority Reg Freight und FedEx International Economy Reg Freight (nur U. S.). FedEx Ship Manager bei Fedex kann Ihre Sendung vorbereiten und eine Buchungsbestätigungsnummer dafür generieren, oder Sie können FedEx anrufen, um eine Sendung zu buchen. In der U. S. rufen Sie FedEx Express Freight Kundendienst unter 1.800.332.0807 an. In Kanada, rufen Sie 1.800.GoFedEx 1.800.463.3339. Für alle anderen Standorte sehen Sie den Kontaktinformationsbildschirm für Ihre lokale FedEx Kundendienst-Telefonnummer. Einzelne oder kombinierte Sendungen von 20.000 Pfund (9.091 Kilogramm) oder mehr von einem Ursprung, bewegte sich auf FedEx 2Day reg Freight (nur U. S.) und FedEx 3Day reg Freight (nur U. S.), erfordern eine Buchungsbestätigung. Bitte wenden Sie sich an den FedEx Express Freight Kundendienst unter 1.800.332.0807. Schiffsdatum Sie können einen FedEx Express Frachtversand bearbeiten und Etiketten bis zu 5 Tage im Voraus drucken. Verfügbare zukünftige Liefertermine werden durch den von Ihnen gewählten Frachtdiensttyp bestimmt. Von Kufen Wenn Sie mehr als einen Skid versenden, geben Sie im Paket Multiple Piece Shipment Details (MPS) einzelne Paketinformationen ein. Dieser Abschnitt ist auf 10 Reihen begrenzt. Ihre gesamte Sendung ist auf 25 Pakete beschränkt. Für internationale Warensendungen mit U. S. oder Puerto Rico Herkunft kann FedEx Ship Manager nicht verwendet werden, um mehrere Pakete an denselben Empfänger am selben Tag zu versenden, wenn eine einzelne Ware in der Sendung einen Wert größer als US 2.500 hat. Gewicht oder Gewicht pro Skid Geben Sie das Gewicht Ihrer Sendung ein. Wenn Ihre Sendung mehr als einen Skid enthält, geben Sie das Gewicht pro Skid ein. FedEx behält sich die Möglichkeit vor, Ihre Skid (s) neu zu wiegen und zu messen. Ihre Rate kann sich je nach tatsächlichen Gewicht oder Abmessungen ändern. Wenn Sie eine Skalierung verwenden, um dieses Feld automatisch zu füllen, müssen Sie im Bildschirm "Einstellungen" auf dem Bildschirm "Einstellungen" die Option "Skalieren" verwenden. Total Deklarierter Kurswert oder Deklarierter Wert pro Skid Geben Sie den deklarierten Wert für Sendungen innerhalb der USA und Kanada oder den Wagenwert für internationale Sendungen ein. Wenn Ihre Sendung mehr als einen Skid enthält, geben Sie den Wert pro Skid ein. Deklarierter Wert: Der deklarierte Wert eines Pakets stellt unsere maximale Haftung im Zusammenhang mit einer Versendung dieses Pakets dar, einschließlich, aber nicht beschränkt auf Verlust, Beschädigung, Verzögerung, Fehllieferung, Nichtlieferung, Fehlinformationen, Versäumnisse Informationen oder Missbrauch von Informationen über die Sendung. Es ist die shipperrsquos Verantwortung, um tatsächliche Schäden zu beweisen. Die Exposition und das Risiko eines Verlustes, der über dem deklarierten Wert liegt, wird vom Versender übernommen. Sie können dieses Risiko auf einen Versicherungsnehmer Ihrer Wahl durch den Kauf einer Versicherung zu übertragen. Kontaktieren Sie einen Versicherungsvertreter oder Makler, wenn Sie Versicherungsschutz wünschen. Beförderungswert: Der Wagenwert ist der Verkaufspreis oder Ersatzkosten eines internationalen Versandinhalts. Der angegebene Wert für die Beförderung stellt die maximale Haftung für FedEx im Zusammenhang mit dieser Sendung dar. Die Exposition und das Risiko eines Verlustes, der den deklarierten Wert übersteigt, wird vom Versender übernommen. Dieser Wert sollte auf dem FedEx Ship Manager Versandbeleg und der Commercial Invoice gleich sein. Falls erforderlich. Der Wagenwert darf den Zollwert nicht überschreiten. Konsultieren Sie den geltenden Tarif, das Begriffe-Kapitel im FedEx Service Guide oder die geltenden Standardbedingungen für Details und Einschränkungen. Service-Typ Wählen Sie im Dropdown-Menü den Befehl FedEx Express Freight Service aus. Bitte beachten Sie die FedEx Service Guide bei Fedex für detaillierte Informationen zu FedEx Services und Lieferverpflichtungen. Pakettyp Wählen Sie den Pakettyp aus dem Dropdown-Menü aus. Für Sendungen innerhalb der USA und Kanada ist dieses Feld standardmäßig auf Ihre Verpackung zurückzuführen. Abmessungen Wählen Sie ein gespeichertes Dimensionsprofil aus dem Dropdown-Menü aus oder klicken Sie auf Abmessungen manuell eingeben. Maximale Skid-Abmessungen sind 119 Zoll (302 cm) lang und 70 Zoll (178 cm) hoch, mit einer maximalen Länge und Umfang von 300 Zoll (762 cm). Um Ihre Dimensionen für zukünftige Sendungen zu speichern, klicken Sie auf Dimensionen speichern und geben Sie den Profilnamen (bis zu 10 Zeichen) ein. Sie können bis zu 20 Profile speichern. Um Dimensionsprofile anzuzeigen, zu modifizieren oder zu löschen, wählen Sie Dimensionen aus der Registerkarte Meine Listen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Abmessungen. Versandzweck Wählen Sie den Versandzweck aus dem Dropdown-Menü aus. Diese Information druckt auf der Handelsrechnung. Wenn kein Zweck ausgewählt ist, wird das Feld standardmäßig zu Handelszwecken und Ihre Sendung wird durch den Zoll unter den entsprechenden Länderbestimmungen für Handelslieferungen freigegeben. Kommerziell: Jede Sendung, die von einer Geschäftseinheit zur anderen verkauft oder versandt wird, zum Zwecke der Wiederverkäufe oder sonstigen Veräußerung im Rahmen der Geschäftstätigkeit. Geschenk: Jede Sendung, die Gegenstände enthält, die als unerwünschtes Geschenk gegeben werden, von einer Privatperson zu einer anderen Privatperson, die nicht von einem Unternehmen versendet werden, noch zu einem Geschäft versendet werden. Beispiel: Jede Sendung, die Gegenstände enthält, die kostenlos versandt oder verstümmelt oder anderweitig ungeeignet zum Verkauf oder Gebrauch gemacht wurden, außer als Handelsmuster, die mit der Aufmachung der Bestellung eines Auftrags oder als Mock-up zur Förderung einer bestehenden Lieferung versendet werden Auftrag von der ausländischen Einheit. Rückgabe und Reparatur: Artikel, die für Reparaturen oder Gegenstände ausgeliefert werden, die zuvor für Reparaturen exportiert wurden, die nach der Reparatur zurückgegeben werden. Persönliche Effekte: Jede Sendung mit gebrauchten persönlichen Artikeln wie unbegleiteten Gepäck und Hausrat, die zur Umsiedlung versendet werden. Persönlicher Benutzer: Alle Sendungen, die neue Waren für den persönlichen Verbrauch enthalten, die im Ausland gekauft und an eine Privatperson zurückgesandt werden. Gesamtzollwert . Geben Sie den Gesamtbetrag ein, der allen Belegen im Versand zugeordnet ist. Einige Länder haben eine Beschränkung für akzeptable Werte für Dokumente. Der Zollwert ist der Transaktions - oder Verkaufspreis für den Inhalt der Sendung, wenn er verkauft wird. Wenn die Sendung nicht verkauft wird, sollte der Zollwert der Marktwert sein. Der Marktwert ist der Preis, den ein Verkäufer von einem Käufer für den Inhalt der Sendung erhalten würde, wenn er auf dem freien Markt verkauft werden würde. Nominalwerte sind für den Zoll nicht akzeptabel und können zu Geldstrafen und / oder Beschlagnahme der Sendung führen. Hinweis: Wenn Sie Währungsumrechnungen unter Verwendung des Interbank-Zinssatzes berechnen möchten, klicken Sie auf das Währungsumrechnungssymbol neben dem Total Customs Value Currency Dropdown Menü. Dieses Tool sollte nur als Leitfaden verwendet werden. Fortsetzung der Eingabe von Abrechnungsdetails und optionaler Informationen für Ihre Sendung. Klicken Sie dann auf Weiter, um die erforderlichen Wareninformationen und Informationen für die Zolldokumentation einzugeben. Buchungsbestätigungsnummer Geben Sie die Buchungsbestätigungsnummer ein, die die Nummer ist, die Ihrer Sendung durch eine erweiterte Reservierung oder Bestätigung im FedEx Buchungssystem zugewiesen wurde. Es ist für die folgenden Sendungen erforderlich: FedEx 2Day Fracht und FedEx 3Day Frachtversand, wenn die Gesamtmenge von einem Ursprungsort 20.000 Pfund übersteigt (9.091 kg) FedEx 1Day Freight (F1) FedEx International Priority Reg Freight (IPF oder IPF-BSO) FedEx International Economy reg Freight (IEF oder IEF-BSO) In den USA rufen FedEx Express Fracht Kundendienst unter 1.800.332.0807 an. In Kanada, rufen Sie 1.800.GoFedEx 1.800.463.3339. Für alle anderen Standorte wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren lokalen FedEx-Kundendienst. Verarbeiten Sie eine Rücksendung: Wählen Sie diese Option, um ein Rücksendeetikett zusammen mit Ihrem ausgehenden Versandetikett zu verarbeiten. Nach dem Eingeben von Outbound-Versandinformationen wird der Bildschirm Create a Return angezeigt. Die Informationen auf dem Bildschirm "Eine Rückkehr erstellen" spiegeln die für die Auslieferung eingegebenen Informationen wider. Die Absenderinformationen und die Empfängerinformation werden als umgekehrt angezeigt, was auf dem vorherigen Bildschirm eingegeben wurde. Abrechnungsdetails Bietetransport, um das Konto zu wählen, um für den Versand aus dem Dropdown-Menü zu rechnen. Für FedEx International Groundreg Sendungen, die Brokerage-Inclusive-Service von den USA nach Kanada und Kanada in die US geltende Clearance Entry Fee (CEF) und CEF enthalten Steuern werden mit Pflichten berechnet und werden nicht mehr als Transportgebühr aufgeführt. Wenn Sie Empfänger oder Dritte auswählen. Geben Sie die 9-stellige FedEx-Kontonummer ein, um in der Konto-Nr. Feld. Wenn Sie die FedEx-Kontonummer eingeben, entfernen Sie alle Bindestriche und geben nur die 9 Ziffern ein, um zu verhindern, dass Fehler auftreten. Bill dutiestaxesfees Wählen Sie das Konto, um für eine internationale shipmentrsquos Zölle, Steuern und Gebühren aus dem Drop-Down-Menü zu rechnen. Für FedEx International Groundreg Sendungen, die Brokerage-Inclusive-Service von den USA nach Kanada und Kanada in die USA gehören, ist der Absender von dutiestaxesfees auch für die anwendbaren CEF - und CEF-Steuern verantwortlich. Wenn Sie Empfänger oder Dritte auswählen. Geben Sie die 9-stellige FedEx-Kontonummer ein, um in der Konto-Nr. Feld. Wenn Sie die FedEx-Kontonummer eingeben, entfernen Sie alle Bindestriche und geben nur die 9 Ziffern ein, um zu verhindern, dass Fehler auftreten. Hinzufügen eines Kontos Fügen Sie ein weiteres FedEx-Konto hinzu, indem Sie auf den Link "Konto hinzufügen" klicken. Für Konten mit Zugang zur Versandverwaltung bei FedEx Ship Manager Reg. Sie können Konten über die Registerkarte "Verwaltung" hinzufügen. Wenn Sie die FedEx-Kontonummer eingeben, entfernen Sie alle Bindestriche und geben Sie nur die 9 Ziffern ein, um zu verhindern, dass Fehler auftreten. Update-Kreditkarte Wählen Sie Ihr FedEx-Konto im lsquoBill-Transport-Torsa oder lsquoBill-Pflichten-Torsquo-Feld aus, das Sie aktualisieren möchten und klicken Sie auf Kreditkarte aktualisieren Verknüpfung . Ihre zuvor eingegebenen Versanddetails gehen nicht verloren. Referenzfelder Geben Sie Referenzinformationen in das Feld Referenz ein, oder z. B. eine Kundennummer, die von Ihrem Unternehmen verwendet wird. Klicken Sie auf Weitere Referenzfelder, um eine P. O.- Nummer, Rechnungsnummer und Abteilungsnummer. Referenzen können für die Verfolgung und Berichterstattung verwendet werden. Alle Referenzen außer Rechnungsnummer Drucken auf FedEx Express, FedEx Ground und FedEx Express Frachtdienste Rechnungen. Referenzen drucken auf allen Versandetiketten außer Normalpapier FedEx Express internationale Etiketten, die nur ein Referenzfeld enthalten. Spezielle Services Spezielle Services Wählen Sie den speziellen Service (s) für Ihre Sendung und geben Sie zusätzliche Informationen ein. Die vorhandenen FedEx reg spezielle Dienstleistungen, die anzeigen, hängen von Ihrem shipmentrsquos Ursprung, Bestimmungsort und Paketverstärkungsversanddetails ab. FedEx International Broker Select reg: (nur international) Wählen Sie diese Option, um den Makler zu identifizieren, der für diese Sendung verwendet werden soll. Geben Sie die erforderlichen Broker-Informationen ein und klicken Sie auf OK. Note: (International Ground only) If you do not select a broker using the FedEx International Broker Select service option, FedEx Ground will arrange for the clearance of this shipment and applicable charges (including the Clearance Entry Fee) will be reflected on the transportation invoice. FedEx Ground reg C. O.D. (Collect on Delivery): (U. S. domestic and ground shipping only) Select this option to authorize FedEx to accept the payment type specified from the recipient at the time of delivery. Enter the required collection information and click OK . The collected amount is then forwarded to the shipper. You are charged a special handling fee. Dangerous goods: Dangerous goods are articles or substances which are capable of posing a risk to health, safety, property or the environment and which are classified according to the International Air Transport Association (IATA) regulations or 49 Code of Federal Regulations (49 CFR). Select the Dangerous goods type from the drop-down menu. Refer to the FedEx Service Guide for more information about dangerous goods. Accessible Dangerous Goods: Items such as explosives, flammable gas, flammable liquid, and corrosive material that must be accessible during transit may only be shipped using certain FedEx Express services. Class 1.4 - Explosives Class 2.1 mdash Flammable Gases Class 2.2 mdash Non Flammable Gases with a Cargo Aircraft Only label Class 3 mdash Flammable Liquids Class 4.1 mdash Flammable Solids Class 4.2 mdash Spontaneous Combustible Class 4.3 mdash Dangerous when wet Class 5.1 mdash Oxidizing Substances Class 5.2 mdash Organic Peroxides Class 8 mdash Corrosives Inaccessible Dangerous Goods: Items such as toxic and infectious substances, radioactive materials and ORM-D that do not need to be accessible during transit. These may be shipped via most U. S. and international FedEx Express services. ORM-D can only be shipped for U. S. domestic shipments andor U. S. territories such as Puerto Rico. Class 2.2 mdash Non Flammable Gases without a Cargo Aircraft Only label Class 6.1 mdash Toxic (Poisonous) Substances Class 6.2 mdash Infectious Substances Class 7 mdash Radioactive Material, White I, Yellow II, Yellow III Class 9 mdash Miscellaneous and ORM-D Dry ice: Dry ice or carbon dioxide solid (UN 1845) is frozen carbon dioxide. Enter the weight of the dry ice in pounds (lbs.) or kilograms (kg). The maximum allowable dry ice weight per shipment is 200 kg (440 lbs.). Alcohol: FedEx policy requires the identification of all alcoholic beverage shipments. If your shipment(s) contains an alcoholic beverage, select the Alcohol option under Special Services. If you are shipping a multiple piece shipment, refer to Package amp Shipment Details and your FedEx Alcohol Shipping Agreement for details on all Alcohol shipping requirements. FedEx Appointment Home Delivery reg : (FedEx Ground Shipping Only) Delivery on a specific date and time you select. We attempt to contact the recipient in advance. FedEx Date Certain Home Delivery reg : (FedEx Ground Shipping Only) Delivery on a specific date you select, Tuesday through Saturday, provided the date is not before the standard delivery time and is within two weeks after it. FedEx Evening Home Delivery reg : (FedEx Ground Shipping Only) Delivery between 5:00 p. m. and 8:00 p. m. on the scheduled date of delivery. FedEx International Controlled Export: (U. S. Export Shipping Only) Items covered by a U. S. State Department license or Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) export permit, or other shipments requiring additional document processing or government clearance prior to export. These shipments include those covered by carnet, drawback, Fish and Wildlife permit, temporary import bond (TIB), transportation and exportation entry (TampE), immediate export entry (IE), or if covered by UCP 500 Article 27 letter of credit. Hazardous Materials: (Hazardous Materials shipping is currently available via FedEx Ship Manager for U. S. domestic FedEx Ground shipments only) select this option for FedEx Ground shipments containing hazardous materials, as defined by the Department of Transportation (DOT). FedEx Ground accepts hazardous materials only when packaged and marked according to DOT regulations. All DOT hazardous materials regulations (including those governing marking, labeling, packaging and shipping paperwork) must be adhered to for hazardous materials shipping. If you have any questions regarding your shipment, please refer to your FedEx Ground Hazardous Materials Shipping Guide or call 1.800.Go. FedEx 1.800.463.3339 and press 81 to reach the Dangerous GoodsHazardous Materials Hotline. You will be charged at a rate of 22.50 per package to ship hazardous materials. Hold at FedEx Location: Available for FedEx Express, FedEx Ground and FedEx Express Freight. Selecting this option indicates the recipient will pick up the shipment at a FedEx location. The location nearest the recipient ZIPPostal code is selected by default. If you do not see a location you would like to use, click select the ldquoview all locationsrdquo link and select a location from the populated list. To change the destination ZIP code, click the ldquoview all locationsrdquo link and then click on the ldquorefine your searchrdquo link in the populated window. Inside delivery pickup: (U. S. Only) Select this option to have FedEx deliver your shipment to a position beyond the adjacent loading area. The adjacent loading area is defined as a delivery site directly accessible from the curb and no more than 50 feet inside the outermost door. You will be charged at a rate of .0412 per pound, with a minimum charge of 52.00 per shipment. FedEx does not provide piece count or piece verification when a breakdown of an express freight shipment occurs at the delivery site. Inside pickup: (U. S. Only) Select this option to have FedEx pick up your shipment from a position beyond the adjacent loading area. The adjacent loading area is defined as a pickup site directly accessible from the curb and no more than 50 feet inside the outermost door. You will be charged at a rate of .0412 per pound, with a minimum charge of 52.00 per shipment. ITAR: The International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) is a set of U. S. government regulations that control the import and export of defense-related articles. This regulation requires U. S. entities wherever located, to have an exemption or License to ship ITAR commodities. Refer to International Services News and Alerts for more information about ITAR. Battery: Select this option for FedEx Groundreg shipments which contain a battery or batteries but are not fully regulated and do not require a hazardous materials shipping paper according to the U. S. Department of Transportation. This would include lithium batteries, nonspillable batteries and nickel metal batteries, including those packed in equipment such as portable consumer electronic devices. FedEx can help you determine if the commodity you are shipping is a fully regulated hazardous material or dangerous good. Please call 1.800.GoFedEx 1.800.463.3339 and press ldquo81rdquo to reach the FedEx Dangerous GoodsHazardous Material Hotline. Non-standard packaging: Select this option to indicate that your FedEx Ground and FedEx Express shipment is packaged in a non-traditional or irregularly-shaped container (e. g. a pail). A surcharge may apply. Contact FedEx Customer Service 1.800.GoFedEx 1.800.463.3339 for guidelines or to find out if your packaging is classified as non-standard. ORM-D (Other Regulated Materials - Domestic) or Limited Quantity: Select this option for FedEx Groundreg shipments containing materials designated as ORM-D or Limited Quantity. These materials have been granted certain exceptions to hazardous materials packaging, labeling and shipping papers by the U. S. Department of Transportation due to the nature and size of their packaging. (Some examples of ORM-D include aerosols, perfume, paint and nail polish.) These shipments are required to be marked as ldquoORM-D Consumer Commodityrdquo or must contain the Limited Quantity marking found in Title 49 CFR sect172.315. The total package weight cannot exceed 66 lbs. (29.93 kg.). ORM-D and Limited Quantities do not require hazardous materials shipping papers when shipped via FedEx Ground. ORM-D and Limited Quantities cannot be shipped via FedEx Ground to, from or within Alaska or Hawaii. FedEx reg Returns Clearance: select this option to request for the broker to pursue any customs clearance processes related to return shipments to minimize the duty and tax liability on these shipments. Optimize potential benefits by selecting Returns Clearance on both the outbound and return shipment. Additional ancillary fees may apply. This option is available for select International non-document return shipments and is not available for all fromto destinations. Small Quantity Exception: select this option for FedEx Ground shipments containing a Small Quantity Exception of hazardous materials. A Small Quantity Exception is available for an inner container with less than 30 ml or 1 oz. of a hazardous material. The total package maximum weight cannot exceed 64 lbs.29.02 kg and must have specific outside markings to identify the box is a shipment packed according to the 173.4 small quantity exception. No OP900LLLG shipping paper or OP950 Hazardous Material Certification Report is required. FedEx reg Delivery Signature Options To request a signature when the package is delivered, select one of the following signature types. Refer to the FedEx Service Guide at fedex for more information about signature options and fees. None specified: Standard FedEx delivery procedures will be followed if a signature option is not selected. See the FedEx Service Guide for more details. No signature required: FedEx may release the package without anyone present. This option may not be available for all shipments or destinations. Se the FedEx Service Guide for more details. Indirect Signature Required: FedEx obtains a signature in one of three ways: From someone at the delivery address From a neighbor, building manager or other person at a neighboring address The recipient can authorize release of the package without anyone present This option may not be available for all shipments or to all destinations. Special handling fees may apply. See the FedEx Service Guide for more details. Direct Signature Required: Someone at the recipients address may sign for the delivery. If no one is at the address, FedEx will reattempt delivery. This option may not be avilable for all shipments. Special handling fees may apply. See the FedEx Service Guide for more details. Adult Signature Required: For shipments to the U. S. FedEx will obtain a signature from someone at least 21 years old (government-issued photo identification required) at the delivery address. For shipments to other destinations, FedEx will obtain a signature from someone at the delivery address who is at least the age of majority in the destination country. Government-issued photo identification or other identification customarily accepted by local authorities is required. In all cases, if there is no eligible recipient at the delivery address, FedEx will reattempt delivery. Special handling fees may apply. See the FedEx Service Guide for more details. FedEx InSight reg Service Options To select these options, you must be enrolled in FedEx InSight. and you must enable FedEx InSight in the Special Services section on the Preferences screen. Block shipment data: Select this option to prohibit the recipient or third party from viewing the shipment information. Shipment contents: Select this option to enter the specific contents of your shipment. PickupDropoff Schedule a pickup Select this option if you do not have a regularly scheduled pickup at your location. Review the pickup address to verify it is correct or click Change pickup address to enter a different pickup location. Upon request, FedEx provides pickup service to an address other than the shipping location of the FedEx Ground account number for a surcharge per unique address per week. If you are a Shipping Administration user, please contact your administrator to confirm your account address. If needed, make any changes to the Pickup Address and Package Details information. You may enter up to 25 characters in the Location of packages or special instructions field. Enter or select the date of your pickup. Please note that only those days that qualify for pickup of your shipment can be selected on the calendar. If the date you need is not available, call FedEx Customer Support at 1.800.GoFedEx 1.800.463.3339 to schedule your pickup. If you would like to receive notifications regarding the pickup request, provide up to 4 email addresses in the Email Notifications section and select Pickup as the notification type. Click schedule pickup Drop off a package at a FedEx location Select this option to if you plan to drop off the package. The nearest FedEx locations and the latest dropoff location for FedEx Express reg and FedEx Ground reg shipments are displayed. Use an already scheduled pickup at my location Select this option if you are a FedEx account holder who has already scheduled a previous on-call pickup request on fedex. Please note: FedEx Express, FedEx Ground, and FedEx Express reg Freight Services pickups must be scheduled separately. To view or change the pickup information, click your confirmation number. If needed, make any changes to the Pickup Address and Package Details information. You may enter up to 25 characters in the Location of packages or special instructions field. Enter or select the date of your pickup. Please note that only days that qualify for pickup of your shipment can be selected on the calendar. If the date you need is not available, call FedEx Customer Support at 1.800.GoFedEx 1.800.463.3339 to schedule your pickup. To save your changes to this pickup, click Save changes . To cancel your on-call scheduled pickup, click Cancel pickup . A message displays that your pickup cancellation is complete. Manage scheduled pickups To view, edit, cancel or print your scheduled pickups outside of FedEx Ship Manager reg. select Schedule a Pickup from the Ship tab at fedex. Refer to Schedule a Pickup for help with this feature. Shipment Notifications Select the notification format type for the sender and the recipient. The available format types available are as follows: Email (HTML) format supports various fonts, colors and active links. Email (Plain Text) format supports all email applications but does not support bold, colored fonts or links. Enter the required information for the sender and recipient. Select the language for the associated email address from the drop-down menu. To send email notifications to 2 others, select Add additional recipients and follow the same steps. Under Notification type, click each notification type you want to send. Ship notifications indicate that the shipment information has been sent to FedEx. Tendered notifications indicate when FedEx has picked up a shipment. Pickup notifications indicate that a pickup has been successfully scheduled. Exception notifications indicate any exceptions that may cause a delivery delay. Estimated Delivery notifications indicate when FedEx anticipates the package will be delivered. Delivery notifications indicate that the package has been delivered. To add a personal message to your email notifications, click Add a personal message and enter up to 120 characters. A personal message is not available for non-English characters. Rates and Transit Times The Rates and Transit Times section displays the estimated shipping costs and transit times for your shipment. The rate quote you receive may be different from the billed charges for your shipment based on actual package weight, dimensions and other shipment details. For information on how shipping charges are calculated, please refer to the FedEx Service Guide at fedex . To get rates and transit times outside of FedEx Ship Manager reg. select Get Rates and Transit Times found underneath the Ship tab. Refer to Get Rates and Transit Times for help with this feature. Standard account discounts are not applicable to FedEx One Rate pricing. For FedEx Express and FedEx Express Freight, your quote is based on rates associated with your FedEx account number and includes any applicable discounts. For FedEx Ground reg shipments, the rate shown is a standard list rate. For FedEx International Groundreg shipments that include brokerage-inclusive service from the U. S. to Canada and Canada to the U. S. applicable Clearance Entry Fee (CEF) and CEF taxes will be billed with the dutiestaxesfees abd will no longer be itemized as a transportation fee. The payor of dutiestaxesfees will be responsible for applicable CEF and CEF taxes. Definition of Rating Terminology Published Rate mdash The Published Rate is the non-discounted rate paid by FedEx account holders and is EITHER: Standard List Rate OR FedEx One Rate Standard account discounts are applied to Standard List Rate ONLY. Your Rate mdash The Rate you receive based on: Standard account discounts applied to the Standard List Rate (AccountndashSpecific Rates) OR FedEx One Rate Refer to the FedEx Express Terms and Conditions for more information about rates. Select a service Click the service and proceed with completing your shipment. The Service type field in the Package amp Shipment Details section displays your new service selection. View all services Click this option to view all services available for your shipment. View or print the rate details Click View rate details. Complete Your Shipment Shipment Profiles Use one of the following options to save your information to use for future shipments: Select Create a Shipment Profile to store the shipment information as a Shipment Profile to use for future shipments. Enter a unique profile nickname. Select Save changes to My Shipment Profiles if you used a Shipment Profile and made updates you want to save. Select Save as a new profile in My Shipment Profiles if you used a Shipment Profile and want to save the information to a new profile. Enter a unique profile nickname. Note: When you use a Shipment Profile, you may enter additional information needed for your shipment or make changes to the profile information before processing the shipment. Refer to Shipment Profiles for more information. Mobile Shipping Label Select Send a Mobile Shipping Label to email the shipment information to your mobile device. A confirmation email will be sent with instructions and a 2D barcode. Note: For BlackBerry device users you may need to select the option Get Images from within the confirmation email in order to view the 2D barcode. Visit a FedEx Office with your package and the email displayed on your mobile device. A FedEx team member will scan the barcode displayed, print your label and accept your package for shipping. The tracking number(s) will be reported in your Shipping History menu. Save for later Select Save for later to save your shipment as a pending shipment to process later today or on a future date. A pending shipment must contain complete shipping information in order to process it later today or in the future. Pending shipments expire 10 days after the date you created the shipment or the future date you selected when creating the shipment. Pending shipments cannot be saved for FedEx Express Freight Services shipments, return shipments or shipments that have been scheduled for pickup. This option is not available if you have chosen to create or save the shipment as a Shipment Profile. Note: Refer to Pending Shipments for more information on viewing and processing your pending shipments. Process your shipment Click Ship to process your shipment now and print your label. Continue FedEx reg Returns: If you are preparing a return shipment along with an outbound shipment, click Continue to enter the return information on the Create Return Shipment screen. Refer to Return Shipments for more information. International Commodity Shipment: If you are preparing an international productcommodity shipment, click Continue to enter required commodity information and information for customs documentation. Advisories Advisories provide important customs clearance or regulatory guidance specific to one or more of the commodities you are shipping. Any advisories displayed are based on the information you have provided. Terms of Sale The Terms of Sale is the point at which the seller has fulfilled their obligations and the goods are said to have been delivered to the buyer. Free Carrier (FCA): Free Carrier at a named port of export. The seller quotes the buyer a price that covers all costs up to and including delivery of goods aboard an overseas vessel (e. g. airplane). Carriage Insurance Paid (CIP): Carriage Insurance Paid to a named overseas port of disembarkation (i. e. import). The seller quotes a price for the goods, including insurance, plus all transportation and miscellaneous charges to the point of disembarkation from the vessel. Carriage Paid To (CPT): Carriage Paid To is the named overseas port of disembarkation (i. e. import). The seller quotes a price for the goods that includes the cost of transportation to the named point of import. The cost of insurance is left to the buyers account. Ex Works (EXW): The price quoted applies only at the point of origin and the seller agrees to place the goods at the disposal of the buyer at a specific place on the date or within the period fixed. All other charges are to the account of the buyer. Delivered at Place (DAP): The seller delivers the goods when they are placed at the disposal of the buyer on the arriving means of transport ready for unloading at the named place of destination. Parties are advised to specify as clearly as possible the point within the agreed place of destination, because risks transfer at this point from seller to buyer. Delivered at Terminal (DAT): The seller delivers when the goods, once unloaded from the arriving means of transport, are placed at the disposal of the buyer at a named terminal, port, or place of destination. lsquoTerminalrsquo includes quay (wharf), warehouse, container yard or road, rail or air terminal. Both parties should agree on the terminal and if possible a point within the terminal where the risks will transfer from the seller to the buyer. Delivered Duty Paid (DDP): The seller fulfills his obligation to deliver when the goods have been made available at the named place in the country of importation. The seller has to bear the risks and cost, including duties, taxes and other charges of delivering the goods. Other: Shippers have the option to select lsquoOtherrsquo and enter an acceptable three character Terms of Sale code into a freeform text field. The three character lsquoOtherrsquo value will display on screen and print on the Commercial InvoiceProForma Invoice. Special characters are not allowed. This information is provided to you and its use is subject to the FedEx Automation Agreement under which you obtained or have been authorized to use FedEx Ship Manager reg at fedex. No warranties are extended and all warranties, including without limitation, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED, regarding this information. Any conflict between this information and the Automation Agreement, or transportation agreement between you and FedEx, or between this information and the FedEx Service Guide will be governed by the Automation Agreement, the transportation agreement and the FedEx Service Guide, in that order. Your use of this information constitutes your agreement to these terms. This service is available for anyone wishing to advertise their framing equipment on PictureFramingEquipment. Although our first goal is buying, selling, or trading framing equipment, we realize that due to distance or pricing some shops might wish to handle those transactions themselves. We will advertise your equipment for you on this page until it sells for the one-time fee of 25 per ad. The ad must include the contact information including name, location, e-mail address and phone contact. Contact David if you have equipment you wish to list and we will be glad to assist you in getting the ad on line. This frame chopper is in great condition. It has very little use, only in a home business. It included two extra sets of knives. We will not pack for shipping or setup shipping. Price is 1,000 FOB Scottsdale, AZ. Contact Loren Anderson at 602-291-6383 or peacenjoy4gmail Hansen Chopper - In great condition, comes with 24quot in-feed arm and a 60 measuring arm, trash chute, safety shield, three sets of sharp blades, manufactured in 1999, used in a small home based shop, priced at 1,500 FOB (seller not responsible for packing or transportation) Las Vegas. Cassese Underpinner - Model CS89, in good condition, was used in small home based shop, one owner, purchased new, date of manufacture 2002, comes with numerous wedges, joining jigs and owners manual, priced at 1.300 FOB (seller not responsible for packing or transportation) Las Vegas, Nevada. Fletcher Multi-Cutter - Model F-3100 in very good condition, date of manufacturer 1997, comes with all original accessories, mounting brackets and 4 cutting cartridges. Includes extra cutting blades, glass cutting wheels and acrylic blades. One owner in a small home based shop. Priced at 1,200 FOB (seller not responsible for packing or transportation) from Las Vegas, Nevada. For Sale 1-3-2017 Fletcher 2100 - it is 60 long. Comes with VCR tape, blades and book. 700.00 Used, Tracey Marconi in Friendsville, PA - 570-553-2298 or traceyandjacksyahoo Fletcher Oval mat and glass cutter. Comes with attachments for mats and glass 100.00 Used Tracey Marconi in Friendsville, PA - 570-553-2298 or traceyandjacksyahoo Mitre-Mite VN2-1 v-nailer machine, wings built on for larger frames. Comes with v-nails for different frame thickness, new pressure pads for pressure plate (round and corner shape), allan wrenches for adjustments, foot peddle and instruction manual. 1000.00 Used Tracey Marconi in Friendsville, PA - 570-553-2298 or traceyandjacksyahoo Used for metal frames - 500to 600 count boxes. Spring clips, corner and back plates. Also Fletcher tools. 90.00 for everything Tracey Marconi in Friendsville, PA - 570-553-2298 or traceyandjacksyahoo Flat vise, Baruch Framing Tool Company - Master Clamp, 200.00 Used Tracey Marconi in Friendsville, PA - 570-553-2298 or traceyandjacksyahoo For Sale - 12-10-16 Fletcher 5500 CornerPro Manual Underpinner This precision-made, foot-operated underpinner is suitable for the advanced amateur framer or as back-up (non-electrical) equipment in a professional framing shop. The CornerPro is fully assembled, lightly used, and comes with an entire package of accessories including owners manual, instructional video, clamps (front and upper), nail pushers (2), thickness compensators (2), hex wrench set, magnet, and nails. Price of 750 includes insured shipping within the continental United States. Contact Mick Farrell at mkfmickhotmail or textcall 316-371-6877. FOR SALE - 11-10-16 Morso Chopper for sale. Moving, no longer able to keep it. It was new when I bought it about 30 years ago, for my custom frame shop in Sudbury Massachusetts. 100. Must sell soon. Call Joel - at 978-500-2248 or e-mail at luckydog18comcast Brevetti Prisma Double Miter Saw - manufactured in early 90s used for approx. ten years in small commercial shop and it has been in climate controlled storage since. Extra set of carbide tipped blades included, blade changing tools amp owners manual accounted for. Normal wear, no mechanical issues but the debri sweeps deteriorated and have been removed. 2,500 Call - Adam Schaffer, 804-314-3217 (c) or 804-883-5866 (h) or adamschaffer1gmail For Sale - Frame Square Mite Saw Model 1000, priced at 800.00 must pick up in St. Louis Missouri. Wizard 8000 computerized mat cutter. This was purchased quotnewquot in 2004. Its in great working condition and comes with all manuals and a Lenovo Desk Top computer which is just over one year old. Im asking 6950 and am willing to split the freight cost or local pick up at a 450 discount. Hot Press HGP260 Dry Mount Table. This has a clear top, all gaskets are in good shape and there are no holes or imperfections in the base of the mounter. Asking price is 2000. I am willing to split the freight cost up to 200. Casssese CS89 underpinner . This was purchased in 2003 from Larson-Juhl. It is in good working condition and Ive had NO issues with this. It includes the remains supply of V-nails I have in stock. Asking price for this is: 850 The buyer pays freight or local pick up. Contact - Mark Haugen at The Loose Moose Custom Framing amp Gallery - (218) 728-0112 or theloosemoosecharter For Sale - Frame Square Miter Saw . price reduced to 1,000 - local pick up only. Items are located at Bristol, VA. If interested call David at 423-967-7861 or e-mail at David Cole dkcandjrcaol For Sale - Morso Chopper with 60quot engraved measuring arm. This chopper is in good condition and has been used very little over the last 20 years (manufacturer date of 1978). It is located in Lake Tahoe area the buyer is responsible for crating and shipping charges or local pickup it fine as well. Priced at 1,000 or best offer. For more information call Natalie at 530-307-1221 or e-mail at nspandaugmail. Cassese Double Miter Saw - priced at 4,750. ITW Amp VN4 Underpinner - priced at 1,250 FOR SALE - Print Mount HS64BG with Stand - Priced reduced to 1,600 Packing and Shipping at Buyers Expense, or pick up in Springfield, IL Working Area 64x44 163 x 112 cm Overall Dimensions 74(w) x 52(d) x 8(h) Net Weight 429 lbs. 195 kg Shipping Weight 529 lbs. 241 kg Power Requirement (USA) (208-250 VAC 60 HZ. SINGLE PHASE 4-WIRE (2 HOT, 1 NEUTRAL, 1 GRND)) Pre-Heat (to 200F) 12 Minutes Time to Vacuum 45 Seconds For Sale - PMSeries Commercial Cold Vacuum Press - Manufactured May 1988, Im the 2nd owner, great working condition Has one small repair to the vacuum blanket (pictures) but works like brand new. Stand made from original shipping crate, you can have that too. Stand dimensions are 76quot length X 59quot width x 32quot height. Priced at 350 or best offer - Pickup Only at 1310 Snyder St. Durham NC 27713. Call Alex at 919-609-2023 or Alexefrenchmsn . Jyden Chopper (Must Sell) Works smoothly and has been a solid, valuable tool. Comes with an extra set of blades, measuring stop and blade cover. Available for pick-up or delivery. Buyer must pay shipping cost. Chopper is located in West Palm Beach, FL. For further inquiry please e-mail Jonathon at OSGSarthotmail or call (561) 833-2223. Other framing equipment items also up for sale (i. e. Fletcher Cutter, Mat Cutter, Supplies, etc.) which can be combined with pick-up or delivery. Thumbnailer TN1000 for sale in a very good working condition. Comes with a caddy of 100s of thumbnail included. All for 275.00 For more information on above equipment - call or text (619) 507-2512 or E-Mail raartatt Ra Art amp Custom Framing located in San Diego, CA local pickup or ship at buyers expense. FOR SALE - Atlanta GA Area Omga Model V113P Double Miter Saw with 2 sets of blades, oilier, and vacuum. Requires 3 phase power and comes with a booster. Priced at 2,100. See contact information below. VacuSeal Model 3444H with stand, has new foam and lifters, and includes adhesive. Priced at 1,900. See contact information below. Fletcher Model F-2100 Mat Cutter with Stand that has Mat Bin underneath, Comes with production stops. Priced at 1,100. See contact information below. Morso Chopper with replacement parts and 3 sets of blades. Priced at 895. Contact Bradley Sauls at 770-922-3363 or e-mail at bradleysaulsaol FOR SALE - Daige Maxit Adhesive System -- Maxit combines roller coaters with unique hot melt adhesives: - provides a permanent bond to all surfaces - cost 70 less than adhesive rolls and sheets - cleaner to work with than spray adhesives and white glue - faster to apply than adhesive rolls and sprays - coater requires no cleanup at the end of day - Warms up in 55 minutes - includes approximately 450 of adhesive - run your print through and it receives a smooth, even coating - handles coating widths up to 34quot - machine comes fully charged with adhesive - machine purchased new in 2013, selling due to change in mounting process more information at Daige Priced at 1,200 buyer is responsible for shipping expenses Contact Keith Lee. Booth Framing Arts, Columbus, NC 828-863-1269 X28 or keithboothframing FOR SALE - Rockler Miter Trimmer 125. Newunused. Located Tenants Harbor, Maine. Shipping amp Handling additional. FOR SALE - I have 22 storage cabinets, fixtures, and laminate counter tops from a picture framing store available (example pictured above) call for dimensions and more photos open to offers. Located in Sacramento, CA. Phaedra System with left and right extensions, comes with all attachments, in very good working condition, Priced at 500. For more information call or text (619) 507-2512 or E-Mail raartatt Euro Underpinner Model 9009 in very good working condition, priced at 895. For more information call or text (619) 507-2512 or E-Mail raartatt Seal Masterpiece 500 - TX Mechanical Press - In very good working condition, priced at 500. For more information call or text (619) 507-2512 or E-Mail raartatt For more information on above equipment - call or text (619) 507-2512 or E-Mail raartatt Ra Art amp Custom Framing located in San Diego, CA local pickup or ship at buyers expense. ITW Disc Sander with Extra Sanding Discs. Very good working condition. Table not included. Priced at 390. Jyden Chopper with Extension Arm and Measuring Stop. Very Good Working Condition. Priced at 700. Two extra sets of recently sharpened blades at 200 per set. 4060 Hot Shot Hot Cold Vacuum Press . 2425 lb mounting pressure. Compressor motor included. Gas springs work. Size: Bed measures 44x64 inches. Accepts 40x60 mounting boards. Stand not included. Good average working condition. Priced at 900. Contact Dennis at 219-241-3415 or e-mail at artists. den8frontier Equipment can be picked up in Valparaiso, IN or shipping can be arranged at buyers expense. Cash payment preferred. - Fletcher F-2100 60quot Mat Cutter . with Production Stops, blades, Owners Manual, and cover Priced at 850. Contact Tracy at 570-553-2298 or e-mail at traceyandjacksyahoo Equipment located in Friendsville, PA. Fletcher F-2000 48quot Mat Cutter with Productions Stops, Squaring Arm, and Extension Measuring Guides, Good Condition, Priced at 350. Fletcher F-3000 48quot Mat Board, Glass, and Plexiglass Cutter, very good condition. Priced at 900. Max Routing System, Double RouterJoiner with Plastic Plugs, Good working condition. Priced at 575. Contact Dennis at 219-241-3415 or e-mail at artists. den8frontier Equipment located in Valparaiso, IN. FOR SALE - 60quot Chronomat Mat Cutter with 48quot squaring arm and all productions stops. This mat cutter was purchased for a home business and was very lightly used before we closed the business. It is in very good condition with no known problems. The mat cutter is located in San Diego, CA and buyer will be responsible for shipping and handling charges. Priced at 500. FOR SALE - ECLIPSE PRO 60quot Computerized Mat Cutter Asking 6,500 OBO. This is in good condition. It has been used trouble free for years. It really is maintenance-free and a real workhorse. These machines pay for themselves very quickly. Comes with Monitor, PC, and stand. I bought it new for 24,000. For Eclipse Manufacturer Information click here. Contact - Murray Kruger - 940-273-8320 ext. 230 or murraykrugeryahoo FOR SALE - Wizard 8000 CMC - 40x60 format system, in very good condition. Comes with MonitorCPU with XP Operating system, manufacturer date of 102003. Closed business in 2009, Wizard has been in storage since. 7,250. This item can be picked up in Massachusetts or shipped for additional fee by common carrier. Shipping not included in asking price. E-mail offers to Marcie. Heroldgmail or call 781-254-5223. FOR SALE - Mat Cutter - CampH 40quot Straight Line mat cutter . average condition, priced at 300 plus shipping from Massachusetts. Note this item can be picked up in Massachusetts or shipped for additional fee by common carrier. Shipping not included in asking price. E-mail offers to Marcie. Heroldgmail or call 781-254-5223. FOR SALE - Mat Cutter - Fletcher F-2100 48quot mat cutter with squaring arm in average condition (works properly but has wear patterns). Priced at 600. This item can be picked up in Massachusetts or shipped for additional fee by common carrier. Shipping not included in asking price. E-mail offers to Marcie. Heroldgmail or call 781-254-5223. (Ref pix date 7-20-14) CampH BG6100 Multi Cutter, Good Condition, cuts plexi, glass, mat board, and foam core. Includes blades and manual. Priced at 600. Can be picked up in Novi Michigan or can be packed up and shipped to you at your cost. Please contact Lori, e-mail llewis3mi. rr or call 248-396-9526. Fletcher F-2200 60quot Mat Cutter in Very Good Condition, includes squaring arm, production stops, dust cover and new blades. Priced at 1,300. Can be picked up in Novi Michigan or can be packed up and shipped to you at your expense for properly crating and shipping. Please contact Lori, e-mail llewis3mi. rr or call 248-396-9526. OVERSTOCK: Art Gallery in Houston, Texas area has 7 different styles of ready-made frames that are 3 to 5 inches wide, solid wood, handmade, stained and painted. Most frames are in boxes with cardboard protective corners. Frame sizes available range from 8x10 to 36x48 with 30x30, 36x36, and 30x40. Approximately 374 frames are available. 10,099 for all. Please call or email for more photos and size availability. FOR SALE - Keencut Ultimat 48quot Mat cutter (New) 750 Brand new in factory sealed box - Keencut Ultimat 1200 48quot Mat Cutter. Undamaged and unused. This is not the current Gold model, it is the previous model. This had a list price of 1,275. The new Gold model sells for 1,600. Priced at 750 FOB San Francisco. Box dimensions 57x18x6 inches and weighs 46 lbs. FOR SALE - VacuSeal Vacuum Press Model 4468H with stand (SN A3011105D) Has new bladder priced at 1,900. Frame Square Saw Model 1000 (SN 1176) priced at 1,200. These two items are located in Oxford, MS. They are available for viewing or demo, it is possible owner would work with customer for delivery (based on delivery location). Call Gene Hux at 662-832-6809 or e-mail at genehuxgmail FOR SALE - C amp H Oval Master Jr. with 10 blades, glass cutter, amp sharpening kit. Operating manual included. Very good condition. No shipping. 275 e-mail egdowdcomcast FOR SALE - Clearmount Shrink Packaging System with heat gun and roll of film. Good Condition, Operating manual included. No shipping. 75 e-mail egdowdcomcast FOR SALE - Jyden Chopper with 3 sets of blades, located in PA, priced at 600. Contact Doug Schrantz at djschrantzzoominternet or (724)992-3975 FOR SALE - FRAME SHOP EQUIPMENT. I have the above equipment available for sale, Buyer pays shipping or items can be picked up near Salt Lake City Utah. All items are in good condition. I am out of the industry and dont use these anymore. 1 - CampH Glass Cutter Model G60 - 600 OBO 2- Fletcher OvalCircle Cutter Model F-1100 - 300 OBO 3 - Thumbnailer Model TN1000 SN 6318 - 300 OBO (If you purchase the Thumbnailer the corner sander is included with the Thumbnailer - makes perfect corners) 4 - WorkingStorage Cabinets - 1,100 for BOTH. . Prices are higher if you buy them individually. Cabinet 1 - 50quot wide 97quot Long 39.5quot Tall - 1,000 (Multiple slots underneath perfect for storing and organizing mats. In excellent condition) Cabinet 2 - 27quot Wide 75quot Long 39quot Tall - 300 (Shelves are adjustable so you can store anything. Extremely sturdy shelving that can support the weight of equipment. Excellent condition) For more information contact via e-mail ashleyirenephotographygmail or text 702-319-1217. Vacuum Press, by Print Mount FOR SALE - This 40 x 60 unit has been well cared for and is in good condition. Getting out of picture framing business. Located in Potomac, Montana. Pickup please, shipping would be difficult. 700 OBO. Contact Laurie at pmt5531blackfoot or call 406-203-2119. quotVacuSeal 4468H Dry Mount Vacuum Press - Mfg. date 1996, one owner, press has not been in use for the last 9 years and has been securely housed in a residence. Bladder and platen in perfect condition, works like new. Includes tacking iron and owners manual. See OEM web site for specs: forframersonlyproducts. aspID15ampC3. Priced at 3,200 FOB Sacramento, CA. quot Marc Connerly, 8288 Country Ranch Dr. Sacramento, CA 95829 - 916-214-6495 FOR SALE - This VacuSeal 4468H is in very good condition. The inner felt and rubber are all in excellent condition with excellent vacuum power and heat. Location is Phoenix, AZ Priced at 2,700. You Ship or pickup. Contact: Regan at 480-812-5208 or e-mail at regancc1gmail 6-18-12 Price Reduced 11-5-13 FOR SALE - Euro Lijsten 9009 Underpinner - 6 to 7 years old but in great condition. Located in Los Angeles, CA. If interested call 909-859-4667 or e-mail at bill. tchuisbcglobal Asking 1,100. FOR SALE - F-2100 48quot mat cutter in excellent condition. Used very sparilgly. Manufactured 1098. I do not have the factory stops but I do have the squaring arm and a pack of blades. Priced at 600 plus shipping. Call or contact Alex via e-mail at 586-531-8752 or fecallamagmail Hot Press by Tullis Russell Vacuum Press - Heated glass top press, Model HGP260, working size 35quot x 47quot, manufactured in 2001, however it was stored and not used for over six years, and used sparingly since. It is in excellent condition, and still has the sample packs that came with it. See additional information at: drytachotpress. asp Priced at 2,550 OBO fob Salt Lake City - call Jim 801-979-1111 or e-mail at infoframeitutah FOR SALE - Wizard Computerized mat cutter, Model W5000, SN 2673067, very good condition, all functions work, has customer ID and System ID (required for start-up). Purchasing corners is NOT required. Includes the controller, OEM system disk and 1 duplicate, instruction manua, PCU, Keyboard, Magnavox thin screen, desk or wall mount TVMonitor, Mod 15MF150V37B. Jun-Air Silent Air Compressor, Mod. 6-25 with additional OEM silicone oil and auxiliary air tank, (Auxiliary tank not required) Wizard International will sell extended warranty and parts if ever needed. I will crateship anywhere in the contiguous USA for cost (no crating charge). Inquire for shipping charge to your zip. Complete price -2,000. FOR SALE VacuSeal Model 3444H with stand, paper and tacking iron. Priced at 1,000 FOB Columbus, GA Contact Tim Jackson at 706-561-0333 or e-mail namesandframesatt For Sale - VacuSeal Vacuum Press, Model 4468H This is a slightly older model 4468H vacuum press - the newer models have the Bienfang name where previously they had the VacuSeal name. All are manufactured by Bienfang in Statesville, NC - working size is 44 x 68 inches works very well, priced at 2,300. This is a one owner machine who was a perfectionist and maintained his equipment. Located in Southern New Hampshire. Can do a FedEx estimate for shipping if necessary. For Sale - Jyden Chopper Located on Whidbey Island, WA - Jyden Chopper with 60quot measuring arm, priced at 500. Contact numbers are - 360-730-6330 or 303-949-8600 FOR SALE - Mitre-Mite VN 21 with 4 nail heads - 1,400 and Dewalt Miter Saw (12quot blades) with Phaedra Frame Scale System with all the clamps - 900. Both are in great condition. Manual Underpinner--Pistorius Model VN-M Good condition priced at 750,FOB Gastonia, N.C. Call Clayton at 704-747-6779 or e-mail at claytonbrymeryahoo I have the following used equipment for sale: Seal 4468H 40quot x 60quot dry mount press - 2,500 and Seal 3646-HS 32quotx40quot dry mount press - 1,500 Ledsome saw model 2000 foot operated double miter saw, no blades - single phase 220 volts - 1,000. 2 each 50 sleeve 2 sided flip flasher easy view display model F100-50KD, one newer and one older, there may be a few individual sleeves messed up. They still have some prints in them - make offer. CampH 40quot bevel mat cutter, older but still working - make offer. CampH 48quot combo matt and glass cutter, older but still working - make offer. 2 each Bruce McGraw print bins with sleeves that still have prints in them - make offer. 2 each Omron multi department cash registers model RS3010E Delivery and set up help available, all prices are negotiable. Located in Peoria, AZ. Call Dan at 623-933-2277 or E-mail at dmac2030juno for more information. For Sale - Older Thumbnail Master with Porter Cable Router and bit, excellent condition, vac. tube, priced at 350 Call Kevin at 623-878-8932 9810 REDUCED. Need to sell immediately. FOR SALE - Pistorius Model MN-200 Double Miter Saw, serial number 0190102, 220 Volts, approximately 13 years old, has pneumatic operation and 8 in-feed and out-feed arms, priced at 1,000. Location - Great Valley, NY 14741 Contact Barney Ward, (716) 945-4794. For Sale - Jansen 2000-I-R Chopper in like new condition, comes with a 36quot measuring arm, priced at 500 FOB Syracuse, NY. Call Nadia at 315-256-5306 or e-mail at hooseygooseyyahoo Heavy duty industrial double 12quot miter saw CTD model D45FX foot activated cut off saw with two 6ft table extensions. Eight years old, serviced regularly, performs well, in very good condition. This saw is used throughout the picture framing, window, shutter and cabinet manufacturing industries. Two 1 12 HP 3 phase 230v motors. Rockwell dust evacuation system included. Three sets of 12quot 80 tooth AGE German made blades included. Call 520-229-2030 or e-mail rickdalebuchananaol for more information. Potdevin NTZ 42 with rubber roller with stand. 2005 model year. Used only 3 times for about one hour each time. Basically brand new with no wear or issues. 8500negotiable FOB Columbus, NC 9 cases of P300-A potdevin label glue - 800 for 36 gallons. Mounting Press is not available. Contact at: rachelboothframing VacuSeal 4366M-HS Combo Vacuum Press, with stand and tacking iron. Measures 54quot wide, 72quot long, and 37quot tall (on stand). Stand creates two storage shelves under heat press. Already disassembled for easy moving - 3,500. Both items are located in Seattle WA, local pick up preferred but could ship if necessary, buyer pays all shipping cost. Contact Joelle Allen - 206-683-5727 Fletcher F-3000 Wall Cutter - 900 OBO - Will ship from Detroit at cost. Call David at (586) 707-7110. Seal 500 TX Dry Mount - 1,800 OBO - Will ship from Detroit at cost. Call David at (586) 707-7110. Seal Masterpiece 500T Dry Mount Press, in good condition, one owner, priced 1100 contact Gary Mannix 2201 E Palmaire Ave Phoenix, az 85020 602-803-9661 I have an underpinner and chopper for sale in Centerville, MD. Both are 4 years old. I had a small in home business and these items were not really used as much as others. Guillotine Chopper from quotFraming Suppliesquot. Excellent condition with extra blades. sells for 1695.00 would like 1200.00. Table top pneumatic underpinner - Fletcher Corner Pro 5600 Excellent condition with extra V-nails and spacer bars. Sells for 1995.00 would like 1400.00. Tina Williams at 443-262-9772 FOR SALE - CampH Oval Master Jr . approximately 5 years old, in very good condition, includes user manual, assorted blades and stops. Priced at 350 FOB Marble Falls, TX (Zip 78654) Call Audrey at 830-693-9510 or cell 512-585-9192. 33108 FRAMING EQUIPMENT FOR SALE. I have had this equipment for 8 years. I purchased it from the original owners when they dissolved their Framing business 8 years ago. It has been in my garage for the entire time and because I do stained glass and many other hobbies, I never got in to the full swing of starting my picture framing business that I had once hoped for. All of this equipment is in good working condition - just waiting for someone who has the desire to fire up their own Picture Framing Business. All items FOB Santee, CA Contact Linda at: (619)507-1312 lfreitascox quotShrink Wrap Systemquot 150.00 CRYSTAL-VISION Series 3000S 14 hp CSA vacuum pump. Works fine, sold AS IS. Purchased about 1990. Packing 25 plus freight. If you pick up you may also have the 4 x 6 vacuum table that we built for the pump. Retails for over 300, price 100 offer. John 931-598-0208 or oldcraftcharter Clear Mount shrink wrap cutter. Works fine. Retails 460, sell for 150 offer. Purchased around 1990. Crating charge 30 plus freight. IF you pick up I will include whatever partial rolls of shrink wrap I have. John 931-598-0208, Oldcraftcharter. Located Sewanee, TN 37375 Emerald ST-7 roller shrink for sale. Retails for 220, sell 100 offer. Works fine but sold AS IS. Purchased around 1990. John 931-598-0208, oldcraftcharter. Located Sewanee, TN 37375 All Equipment below is located in Northern Michigan and is from a home based framing shop. Super-Sealer Shrink Wrap System W36quot Wand Excellent condition. Call Felix at (989) 821-9642 or e-mail at: felrodriguezcharter. Price 250.00The Ultimate Guide to Shipping for eBay Sellers By now everyone should be aware of just how important shipping is when selling online, especially on eBay. Delivery is one of the most important aspects in buyers eyes and this is shown by the fact that two out the four detailed seller ratings are shipping related (dispatch time plus postage amp packaging cost) And as well as being so important to your buyers experience, shipping can also have a huge effect on your margins and profit. I see so many eBay sellers charging stupidly high prices for shipping and its just so inefficient and wasteful theyre losing countless customers and leaving money on the table all because theyre unaware of the best ways to ship their items. Well not anymore, in this guide I will go through all aspects of shipping on eBay and will reveal all the best tips and tricks I8217ve learnt through my years of experience that will allow you to ship your items cheaper and faster leaving your customers ecstatic and more money in your pocket So lets get started. eBays Selling Policy on Postage and Related Charges The first thing we need to cover is eBays rules regarding shipping and what exactly youre actually allowed to charge for as eBay are very strict on shipping charges and want everything to be completely transparent for buyers. It is against eBays rules to provide unclear or misleading delivery information or to charge unreasonable fees for postage and related services. This means you have to clearly specify the actual postage cost (i. e. the final PampP charged) plus the cost of packaging materials. If you offer any additional services to a buyer, such as proof of postage, recorded delivery, signature confirmation etc. you can only charge what they actually cost. So if for example your base postage method is Royal Mail 2nd Class but you offer the choice to upgrade to 1st Class you can only charge the additional cost to you and NOT anything extra. FREE Delivery While were on the subject of postage charges, let me quickly say that as I8217ve mentioned before on this blog I always recommend offering FREE delivery unless you have a very good reason not to. There are many advantages to offering free delivery to your eBay customers, including: Automatic 5-star DSR for postage and packaging charges Higher visibility in best match search results Higher conversion rates (buyers LOVE free delivery) The ability to receive the Premium Service badge on your listings Its worth offering free delivery for this last point alone as having listings with Premium Service badge again means higher conversion rates (more sales and more profit) as well as a 15 discount on your final value fees, being a Top Rated Seller . Now I know what youre thinking but how can I charge nothing for shipping without losing money when Royal Mail increase their prices every year Well of course it goes without saying that you cant really offer free shipping . but instead you just have to build the cost into your products selling price. In theory it shouldn8217t really matter whether you charge 15 4 shipping or 19 and free shipping as the result is the same the buyer pays 19 in total. BUT the reality is very different It has been proven countless times that FREE sells and shipping is no different8230 theres a reason Amazon, eBay and other big companies are pushing free shipping so strongly, as they know thats what buyers want and they know it increases sales And thats without even considering the added benefits given by eBay when you offer a free delivery option in your listings. So, if you can, always try to provide that magic free shipping option to your buyers, and one way to help you do this is to always use the cheapest shipping option available for the particular item youre selling. One thing I always advocate is being a smart seller and making the most of the options and resources available to you and running down to your local post office and blindly paying whatever Royal Mail charge for every package you send when there are often far better (both faster and cheaper) options available is NOT smart, not at all Royal Mail Price Increases As any eBay seller will know, Royal Mail have increased their prices fairly constantly for the last few years, with the most recent increase taking effect on 31st March 2014. These price increases will obviously have had a negative effect on any online sellers, who will either have had to absorb the extra costs (thereby lowering their margins and profit) or pass it onto consumers in the form of higher prices. Theres not much we can do about price increases and at least everyone is in the same boat8230 but one thing it does mean is its now often a better option to go with a courier service rather than Royal Mail. Generally speaking, Royal Mail is still the cheapestbest option for small and lightweight items (especially anything that can be sent as a large letter or small parcel) but for anything above the weight and dimension limits a courier will often work out cheaper. The current size and weight limits for a large letter is . 353mm x 250mm x 25mm, 750g And for a Small Parcel: 450mm x 350mm x 80mm, 2kg. Well go through some real life examples so you can see how it works for a few different products but before that, let me quickly mention something about couriers and how to get the best prices from them, without having an account and without sending large volumes of parcels8230 3rd Party Courier CompaniesMiddlemen The best way for you to access the services of large courier companies such as Hermes, City Link, UPS, Yodel etc. at a discount to the prices on their own website, is through 3rd party sitesmiddlemen such as Parcel2Go or ParcelMonkey. co. uk There are many such sites on the internet but I8217m going to stick with these two for the purposes of this article as I8217ve found them to generally be the cheapest or at least close to the cheapest for a variety of parcel sizes. Parcel2Go works out best for medium sized parcels and Parcel Monkey for very large and heavy parcels. Of course it will always be worthwhile checking a few of these such sites to see what sort of prices you get for your packages as it will always be slightly different depending on the size and weight. These companies book huge volumes of deliveries directly with the courier companies and therefore get the best pricing, which you can then take advantage of. In essence, booking through these companies is like having your own account with the couriers so its a great option for small time sellers or those new to eBay who aren8217t doing the volume needed to go directly to the couriers. Royal Mail vs Couriers So lets now take a look at a few different products of varying weight and size to see whether it would be best to go with RM or a courier company: As mentioned above, for an item like a video game which can be sent as a large letter, Royal Mail will almost always be the best option but lets take a look anyway A video game will fit in a D1 size jiffy bag (170mm x 245mm) and including packaging will weigh around 160 grams. The cost for sending this via RM would be: 1.17 2nd Class 1.24 1st Class 2.34 1st Class Recorded. And the cheapest option via courier is 2.98 for Hermes 2-3 day delivery . So overall not much more expensive considering the courier will collect from you and the higher level of compensation offered if not paying for recorded delivery, but overall still not worth it over Royal Mail. Next, lets take a look at a medium sized item: This would weigh around 700g fully packaged with dimensions of 30cm x 40cm x 3cm. With Royal Mail this would go as a small parcel and would cost: 2.80 2nd Class 3.20 1st Class 4.30 1st Class Recorded The cheapest courier would again be Hermes on their 2-3 day service at only 2.98 collected. A signature on delivery would cost an extra 1. So in this instance both options are fairly similar with the courier being slightly cheaper, it would mainly depend whether you wanted the faster service (RM 1st class) or wanted to avoid a trip to the post office. So now a slightly heavier item8230 Ill be using a box set weighing 1.5kg with packaged dimensions of 25cm x 15cm x 15cm. With Royal Mail this would again be classified as a small parcel under the new size rules. The cost to post this item anywhere in the UK would be: 3.80 2nd Class 5.45 1st Class 6.55 1st Class Recorded. Once again Hermes is the cheapest courier, costing only 3.32 via parcel2go . As mentioned earlier in this article, now that were reaching bigger items that cant be sent as a large letter with Royal Mail, the couriers are starting to beat it on price by a small margin, in this instance costing about 30 less. Next well give Royal Mail a real test with an overly large and heavy item: 4) Large Box of Toys Lets say you have a large box (40cm x 40cm x 30cm) filled with childrens toys and weighing 8kg in total to post such an item with Royal Mail would cost a minimum of 20.25 via their 2nd Class service Using Parcelforce would be slightly cheaper at 16.40. Compared this to a courier, Yodel . who will collect and deliver the very same parcel for 7.19 a huge difference This really shows the usefulness of couriers for larger items. Just think about what a positive affect it will have on your sales to be able to offer a delivery option that costs about 65 less than Royal Mail. And for our last example, lets compare the price of posting an even bigger box. 5) Pewter Chess Set Chess Table The dimensions are 60cm x 50cm x 50cm and the weight is 15kg. The cheapest option if using your local post office would be 23.14 via Parcelforce express48 compared to just 7.20 via Yodel 48 or only 8.10 for Yodel next day delivery . Once again a courier would be significantly cheaper sending 3 boxes via Yodel costs less than 1 via Parcelforce (RM) So as I8217ve hopefully illustrated with my examples, the general rule of thumb that I mentioned earlier holds true for smalllightweight items that can be sent as a large letter or small parcel, Royal Mail is the best option but for large or heavy items, a courier will almost always offer you significant savings. And again, for couriers its always best to check a third party site like parcel2go as well as the couriers own website, as the prices they offer vary slightly so its worth shopping around to get the best deal possible. International Delivery Many eBay sellers nowadays are looking to Europe, America, Australia and many other countries around the world to expand their market so if you can offer competitively priced shipping options to customers from these countries, youll be one step ahead of the competition So who should you use for international deliveries Well again similar principles apply but with shipping outside of the UK, the differences in price can be even greater Lets go back to our first example, a video game, and see how the couriers stack up against Royal Mail: 1) Single Video Game With Royal Mail postage for one game would be 3.70 and if you needed delivery confirmation, 8.70. The cheapest courier option, using the same Parcel2Go and Parcel Monkey, would be 14.27 (using either Trakpak or Parcelforce). But as you can see, neither option is really affordable if you need delivery confirmation, but generally international buyers wont get just a single, very small item such as a video game (as the price difference is not worth the shipping cost) so lets look at a more realistic scenario: 2) Small Box of 7x Video Games This would weigh around a kilo, with dimensions of 20cm x 15cm x 13cm. International Standard with RM would cost 9.50 and International Tracked and Signed 14.50 For both courier sites, their prices stay exactly the same, so 14.27 via either of the 2 options. It may seem surprising that the couriers charge the same price for sending one game as they do for sending seven but its just how I mentioned earlier its when sending bigger parcels that the couriers start to offer much better value in comparison to Royal Mail. To save us going through all the individual examples again, Ive compiled a table for you to see the best shipping option for a variety of parcel sizes to a few different countries around the world: But I will not include Royal Mails standard international delivery option in this comparison as it doesn8217t include any form of tracking and only offers compensation up to 20 which is not really a viable option for international eBay orders. So as you can see, its a similar story again with Royal Mail offering competitive pricing on smaller items but couriers offering much better value for heavier or oversized items (sending the large box of toys to France would cost over 60 using your local post office over 3 times more expensive than having a courier collect). I think by now you8217ve realised that the key to getting the best postage price possible is to comparison shop Its not a simple case of always use company A theyre the best8230 it really does depend on many different factors including: The items size and weight. The items value (some options may seem great at first before you realise no cover is included and you have to pay for insurance on top). Whether you need tracking and delivery confirmation (more on that later). How fast you need the item to arrive. How easy it is for you to get to the post office for some people that will be a big consideration if they have to drive and queue up for ages. I think you get the point There is no one right answer for everyone. The key is finding the solution for your business and products so you can offer the best shipping option possible to your buyers. Just please dont be one of those eBay sellers who puts 40 for postage because thats how much his local post office charges youre simply driving away customers and leaving money on the table. And for anyone with a specific niche or anyone selling the same type of products, this will be a one-time job. Just one day, spend some time researching your various options and youll reap the rewards for years to come Now I want to talk a little bit about other servicesaccounts offered by Royal Mail and Post Office for businesses as obviously in the above examples, I8217ve assumed youre just sending mail as a regular customer. Drop amp Go The first thing I want to mention is the new fast-track service for online sellers and small businesses, called Drop amp Go . Its basically a free service that allows you to beat the queues and just drop your mail off at the post office when needed. All you need to do is complete a very simple, one-page registration form and youll be given a Drop amp Go card. There are no minimum spend or any other requirements so its perfect for new or part-time eBay sellers. Once you8217ve set up an account and are given a card, you need to top it up so theres a pre-paid balance. Then the next time you need to use the post office, simply go straight to the fast-track counter, drop your mail off along with a Drop 038 Go Manifest and after a few quick checks (basically making sure you have enough balance on your card) you can leave No need to wait around for tedious paper work to be completed or for your mail to be processed that will all be taken care of later on, with you card charged as they go. So no queuing and no waiting what could be better Especially considering thats its a completely free service, eligible to anyone. And dont worry if you need proof of postage or tracking receipts they can all be kept for you to pick up whenever you want Overall I think this is a great new service for small sellers and I cant see any reason for you to not sign up for it. You may have come across this term before but were unsure of what exactly it meant Well basically franking is a quick and easy way to manage your mail, while saving time and money. With franking, you have to buy or rent a franking machine from one of Royal Mails authorised manufacturerssuppliers which you can then use to buy your mail at a discount to regular prices How much you save will obviously depend on the volume you send as you have to factor in the machine rental cost but here are some of the current franking discounts to give you an idea: So as you can see, the savings are sometimes quite significant, especially for regular 1st and 2nd class stamps. For a full list of the 2014 franking prices, please take a look at this wallchart . Then for the actual franking machine, which as I mentioned before you can either rent or buy, what you need will depend on your situation, the type of mail you send, what features you want etc. The best thing to do is contact a few of the authorised manufacturers and get some quotes so you can assess what savings youll make based on the volume you send. Here is the full list of suppliers approved by Royal Mail. There are also a few websites online that will send you quotes from a few different companies if you fill in your info so may also be worth trying a few of them, such as: Apart from renting fees, you8217ll also need to purchase labels but all in all 8211 if you send significant amount of parcels each month, franking will provide you decent savings. Printed Postage Impressions (PPI) Another Royal Mail alternative to franking machines is Printed Postage Impressions, better known as PPI. PPI is basically when you pre-print your own postage (Royal Mail labels) onto your packages. You then drop them off at your post-office (in one lot) or have it all collected (though this comes at an additional cost) simple PPI is also marginally cheaper than franking but of course you dont have to buy a franking machine or pay any rental fee. You can find full details on current franking and PPI pricing from Royal Mails 2014 Business Price Guide here And so you can also compare all the Royal Mail options, regular franking is generally one or two pence more expensive than the account price for anything being sent as a letter but for parcels theyre exactly the same. And MailMark franking is the same price as account. How Do You Apply for PPI One of the benefits of PPI is you will be given a credit account with Royal Mail (usually up to 30 days) so you dont have to pay for postage as and when you use it. This will of course help with your budgeting and cash flow. But this also means that to be accepted for PPI and to be issued with a license, you first have to apply for a Credit Account with Royal Mail. To apply you should either speak to your account manager or call Royal Mail on 08457 950 950 but bear in mind that as you are being given credit from Royal Mail they will carry out a standard credit check on you. You also need to be a registered business, have been trading for over 3 months, and spend at least 100 a week on your postage. Then once your application is approved, youll be issued a PPI number and set up onto Royal Mails Online Business Account. There are some terms and conditions you have to adhere to when using PPI, for both the design of the labels as well as the actual packages, such as: You must send an accurately completed confirmed sales order or posting cheque with every mailing All mail must be presented in a fit state for posting, and in containers that are clearly labelled Mail should be bundled and faced, separated by class, price band, format and service type A single PPI posting is one that we can clearly identify as one consignment If you wish Royal Mail to return undeliverable items, you must include a return address on the back of each item. This must be an address within the UK. Without this, undeliverable items could be destroyed. All fairly obvious and nothing that should cause you any problems. So overall PPI is a good alternative if you send a large volume of mail as you will save a lot of time in comparison to the more labour-intensive franking option. Plus of course there is no machine rental fee to pay Courier Surcharges for Rural Deliveries One thing you have to be aware of when using a courier for your deliveries is the large surcharge they add on to deliver to the Highlands or Islands which can be as much as 50 or even higher You can of course simply add on this extra cost or refuse to deliver to areas that are too remote but that is bound to annoy many potential customers and will either result in the loss of a sale or potentially low DSRs being left. A survey by Citizens Advice Scotland had more than 3,000 messages received from Scots unhappy at the unfair delivery charges applied to people in rural areas8230 So if you can offer delivery to these places without a huge surcharge youll be one-step ahead of your competition. But how do you do that without absorbing the cost yourself Well the answer could be good-old Royal Mail RM charge a flat rate for delivery anywhere in the UK so in some instances where they may have been more expensive than the courier, theyll actually work out cheaper for deliveries to the Highlands and Islands. But of course as Ive mentioned a few times, you should always weigh up the options in your individual case and use whats best Its not as simple as me saying always use Royal Mail for these deliveries as they may still be more expensive in some cases8230 but just be wary of these surcharges imposed by couriers and wherever possible always offer alternate methods to your buyers. That way youll keep them happy and get those few extra sales that your competitors are missing out on. Printing Postage through eBay If youre just starting out or are not using any of Royal Mails business services, then you can also pay for and print postage labels directly from eBay itself, though this only applies to delivery services from Royal Mail, Parcelforce Worldwide and Collect. Though the Royal Mail pricing is the same as youd get at your post office, eBay has negotiated special postage discounts with Collect and Parcelforce Worldwide and they pass these savings on to you. The discount for Collect is minimal (3) but with Parcelforce it can be as much as 72 on larger items There are a number of other advantages to using eBays Pay and Print Label service if youre just starting out or arent using any of Royal Mails business services, such as: Quickly and easily pay for postage online using PayPal Print labels pre-filled with your buyers details (though you can change it if needed) Automatically letting your buyer know that youre getting ready to post the item and updating them with any tracking info Saving time at the post office. The process for printing labels is very easy you just go to the Sold section under My eBay and select Print postage label (which will be next to your item). Then review the pre-filled data to make sure everything is okay. Once youve done that, enter the weight of your packaged item and click Calculate. To compare pricing click Compare delivery services, then select the one you want and click Save. Lastly, you can add a note to your buyer in the Add message to buyer email section (this will be included in the preparing for dispatch email eBay automatically sends to your buyer) and then all thats left is to Pay for postage (via PayPal) and Print postage label. You dont need a special printer or adhesive labels for this, simply print the label on normal A4 paper and attach it to the package. And thats it simple and easy A useful tool to save time and hassle for new sellers. Lost ShipmentsDelivery Confirmation A big fear of many people looking to start an eBay business is the dreaded item not received claim, and its something I receive a lot of emails about. Basically if you post an item without signed for deliverydelivery confirmation then if the buyer claims to have not received the item, you will have to refund them in full. It DOESN8217T matter if you have proof of postage . if you cant prove delivery via a tracking number, eBay will always side with the buyer. And because of this, you see many people recommending that you send all items recorded delivery so you have proof of delivery should you ever need it. However I dont agree with that 100, as a smart seller would calculate whether the extra postage costs are worth it in the long run or is it better to simply refund the occasional claim This is something that will depend entirely on your individual circumstances what is the cost of the item What percentage go missing How much extra is recorded delivery These are all things you need to take into account before you make a decision on this. Let me run you through a few examples to make sure you understand exactly what I mean: If, lets say, you are a video games seller and, for simplicity purposes, every game you sell costs you 10. You send everything 1st class so your two postage options are: Royal Mail 1st Class 8211 1.24 OR Royal Mail 1st Class Signed For 8211 2.34 The second option of course includes delivery confirmation. Lets say on average, 1 from every 100 games you sell results in an item not received claim what would be the best option Well if you didn8217t send recorded posting 100 games would cost you 124 plus replacing the game not received costs you another 10 so in total 134. If however you send everything recorded, you wont have to replace the lost game as you have proof of postage, so your total cost will be 234. Exactly a hundred pounds more than if you just accepted the occasional loss in order to save on postage. So not very smart to send recorded in this case Lets take a look at another example someone selling custom branded Chinese tablets that cost 75 each. The two postage options are: Royal Mail 1st Class 8211 5.45 amp Royal Mail 1st Class Signed For 8211 6.55 This time, 2 from every 100 tablets sold get an item not received claim. Sending without delivery confirmation would cost 545 in postage plus another 150 to replace two tablets, meaning a total cost of 695. Sending all items signed for on the other hand would mean no replacement costs and total postage of 655. So in this instance, posting items signed for is the better option. Of course these are simplified calculations as I havent considered legitimate INR claims or factored in any compensation you might receive from Royal Mail as that is heavily dependent on a cooperative buyer. But I hope this illustrates that you shouldn8217t just blindly listen to those people who say send everything recorded or just send everything via regular post as there is no one right answer and a smart seller would take the time to calculate the best option for their business. And this blog is all about making you a smart seller So I hope I8217ve covered everything in this post and youre now ready to tackle shipping on eBay armed with my years of experience and knowledge If however I8217ve missed anything out or theres something else youd like to ask me dont hesitate to post below in the comments section and Ill do my best to help you out. Bis zum nächsten Mal. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Martin Winlow says Using Parcel2go (P2G). I have been using P2G for about a year sending items heavier than 2kg outside of the UK. I usually use the ParcelForce (PF) option as it is convenient for me as I usually have other Royal Mail items to post at the same time and my local PO is very handy. I have an account with PF as well for heavy UK items but their ex-UK costs are astronomical compared to P2G8217s prices 8211 still using the same PF services. Generally, it works quite well. However, I have recently been getting a lot of 8216Additional Charges8217 coming through from P2G where PF are (apparently) claiming that my parcels are a lot heavier than what I booked them as. Whilst occasionally I might make a mistake, the last 2 (within a week of each other) have been completely ridiculous in that PF are claiming the parcel weighed nearly 3 times what it actually did. Furthermore, in the case of one particular item, I have booked several of these in over the months using exactly the same booked weight and dimensions and then out of the blue PF claim one is 7.2kg when they are all actually 2.3kg (and booked at 2.4kg). So, my advice is to photograph the parcel with a tape measure showing the size and on scales showing the weight. A faff but there is is. If I keep getting them in the future I8217ll try parcelmonkey instead. I really feel like some sort of scam is going on. The first couple of disputes were resolved amicably with P2Gs staff but they are now refusing to accept my word for things (despite a lot of indirect evidence eg weight and dimensions of products on my website). I will also weigh the parcel at my helpful post office and get the clerk to initial the proof of postage receipt with the weight on it. Andrew Minalto says Thanks for sharing this with us Martin, very helpful Oliver Cleverne says I use eBay to purchase my Royal Mail postage labels, what printer would you suggest to print adhesive labels Andrew Minalto says Any laser or thermal printer will be good. I wouldn8217t recommend ink jet as inks are not weather resistant while toners are and thermal printers don8217t use inkstoner at all. Martin Winlow says The DYMO LabelWriter 4XL (thermal) printer does a good job, generally. 68243x48243 labels can be bought for 3plabel or less. Unfortunately, the system eBay uses for generating the labels is very out of date and creates very poor, spindly text but it will look the same using any printer. At least the bar codes come out well using this printer. It is also Windows and Mac compatible and not too expensive. Paul Wooters says Hello, I have some questions I8217m hoping you can answer8230 I8217m looking at my seller8217s overview and it says my 8216Tracking Uploaded and Validated8217 is currently at 81. Why is that number so low I have my shipping time set at 8220Same day, provided payment is received by 12:00 p. m.8221..which I always do. However, in the past, the postal carrier has failed to pick up my packages even though I put in a pick-up request, so the packages would get picked up the next day. This happened when my regular carrier had the day off. I can see how this would adversely affect the percentage, but this hasn8217t happened for a couple of months8230so wouldn8217t my percentage be going up Once I started looking at this number, I decided I would take the packages in myself if they were ever forgotten, but I haven8217t had to. Does the time I print the label make a difference For instance, Something sells in the evening and I print a label right away, even though the package won8217t be picked up until the following afternoon. If you8217re counting the hours between the label being printed and the postal carrier scanning the label, it8217s a rather long time. Anyway, thank you for your attention, I look forward to your answer. Andrew Minalto says Thanks for your comment. Hi Andrew, I read your article with great interest and am hoping you might be able to offer some additional advice. We sell customized invite cards and want to start selling internationally. How on earth do we calculate shipping costs They vary so much as 10 or 20 cards might go as a large letter but 30 or 40 might already be a small parcel. We8217ve been stung on shipping even to NI before so are trying to find a fair way of working it out. Our cards vary in size and weight and until everything is printed and packed it8217s impossible to know the final weight. We sell anything from one single sample (varying weights) to hundreds of sets of 4 that might weigh 2 kg or 5 kg. Is there a way to set a few rates for say a sample, up to 20 items, up to 50 items and over 50 items for example Thank you for any advice. Kind regards, Julie Andrew Minalto says You can set various shipping costs for various quantities. But if you don8217t want to under-charge or over-charge international customers, you can simply sayask buyers to contact you prior buying so you can calculategive them exact shipping cost. Hi andrew I have business account on hermes and interlink and I send around 200 parcels every week but I pay lot less than what you have listed. Royal mail franking machine pete bowes Large letter under 250g 8211 89p (20 per month) Hermes tracked (collects parcels) 0 -1 kg 2.64 1-2 kg 3.54 2-5 kg 4.90 Above 5 kg with interlink Upto 10 kg 6.60 8211 next day delvery tracked and signed for The main problem with hermes is ebay shows lot more delivery time with hermes since the option with hermes is only 3-5 days. I cant see hermes 2-3 days while listing products on ebay but hermes normally deliver within 3 days. We wanted to go with royalmail but our concern is for parcel between 2-5 kg royal mail charge above 12. I see most of my competetors are using Royal48. I have no idea how they can afford to deliver with royal48 for the parcel above 2 kg while the price of their items are around 12 Royal Mail operate an average weight on the business account 4824 product. You can8217t sent gt2kg on 48, but you can send upto 20kg on 24. If an item is around 2-4kg I sometimes upgrade it to 24 service, then put in some of my lighter items (some items are 100g packets) to average the price down to under 1kg. So, price comes in under 5 usually 8211 and an added benefit is a few other customers get their products next day. Okay, it8217s not tracked, and there is no compensation, so I have to weigh it up whether to send courier or RM. Hi Andrew, I have a technical problem printing labels that has bothered me without end. Hopefully you would kindly help out. I sell only one item in my basic ebay store and it fits in an A000 (110 x 160) Jiffy envelope which would be first class large (0.96) Every time I go to print a label on ebay, it defaults to 8216parcel8217 and tries to bill me 3.30. I have to change the 8216package type8217 to 8216large letter8217, recalculate and then confirm. This equates to several clicks roughly 10 seconds for each item X 60 items or 70 items daily. I have tried to sort this from 8216Postage and packaging preferences8217 within the acount tab and also 8216Package details8217 in the advance listing tool, but none worked for me. Is there anyway to default my postage settings to 8216large letter8217 Sorry for moaning and thatn for your response in advance. Andrew Minalto says Thanks for the article. I just wanted a bit of advice. We offer free postage on all our items and ship with myHermes as that is the best option for us. MyHermes will attempt delivery on three occasions, if still unsuccessful, they have changed their policies recently that they now invoice the sender and return the item back to the sender. Previously, they would email us informing us of the situation and ask us for further info to assist delivery or give us the option of recalling back to ourselves for an additional charge vat. In these circumstances, where we get charged extra because the item hasn8217t been delivered, can we deduct this amount from from the refund we provide the customer. Would it be acceptable to include this in our return and refund policies. Z. B. Item cost 19.99, free PampP. Courier attempts delivery on 3 occasions. We get invoiced 4 to have item returned back to us. Can we deduct the 4 from the refund Any advice is greatly appreciated. Andrew Minalto says No, I don8217t think you can do this on eBay. On your own website you could probably do this, by having this in your T038Cs but on eBay there8217s simply no option to add EXTRA shipping cost AFTER the sale has been made. Richard Taylor says HI Andrew, I stumbled across you following a Google Search to try and resolve my problem. Interesting stuff, much of which I have used myself. The free shipping issue was one that annoyed me as I pride myself on making money from the items I sell and not the PampP and I used to be able to show my shipping charges and I also often sell more than one of an item. So buy 1 for 104, Buy 2 for 204 became buy 1 for 14, buy 2 for 28 and buyers taking more than one of an item were penalised. So I know have multiple buys set up as variations. Anyway, to my problem, which is setting up balanced shipping rates to the European destinations that I can ship to with my courier DPD. DPD has tiered charges based on the distance away from UK, so the cheapest options are Belgium, France, Holland and Germany. They increase incrementally so so Italy and Spain are mid-range and then Greece, Bulgaria etc at about a 50 higher rate. The problem is when I set these in the Ebay system. I can put Germany and France in at Rate A. I can then put Italy and Spain in at Rate B. But I then have to put a Europe wise Rate C which encompasses the farther flung Nations such as Greece, but throws in Belgium and Netherlands (for example). I8217m sure it8217s costing me potential sales as I do sell these items in Germany in particularly, and yet nothing in Holland or Belgium. The 8220Chose custom locations8221 option for international shipping has some rather odd options. Ireland 8211 I can understand for UK, Germany and France OK, but Greece Ahead of Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark We have the exclude certain locations option, we could do with an include certain location for each overseas shipping tariff. Any ideas would be gratefully received. Richard Andrew Minalto says The only way to set this up properly and according to your costs is to simply set shipping costs for each country you want. And then in rest of Europe, which will leave just few countries, you can put the highest cost. These will probably be small countries very few people would order from you anyway. So just take your time and get accurate rates and enter them for top 20 countries. Andrew Hope says Love your posts, very informative and useful. One thing clicked with me in relation to your eBay, with the whole debate over DODON8217T I send everything recorded delivery. Normally I would but being a business seller it8217s about saving money to. I8217m also going to be basing my decision based on the ebayer buyers feedback rating. My ebay sales I try to minimise my losses, so I put bidding blocks on some auctions. Things like disable bidders who have negative feedback of more than 4. Feedback count of lower than 50 that type of thing. If someone buys a product from me and they have 100 positive feedback with a score over 300. I8217ve felt confident in sending it without tracking. If someone purchased a product from me, they have left negative feedback in the past, or they have low or a bad feedback score. I8217ll send it recorded delivery. It may cost more, but in the long run when I8217m on a goal to achieve power seller status on eBay, spending the extra 1-2 every 100 sales or so, is a lot better in the long run when power seller status gives you greater selling possibility and opens up bigger options Andrew Minalto says Thanks for your comment yep, this is a very good approach, totally agree Only thing is that it is suitable only for new sellers with low sales volume as when your business grows, it takes too much time to go through each customer8217s feedback history8230 Anyways, thanks for sharing this with us Martin Winlow says I know your article is aimed at eBay but it is such a useful article regarding postage for people selling 8216stuff8217 generally that I think would it be useful to cover label printing software 8211 online or off. I8217m thinking about the sort of thing that prints on a special A4 sheet which has a packing list and one or more removable delivery address label for attaching to the outside of the parcelpackage. Regards, Martin Winlow EVBitz. uk Andrew Minalto says Thanks Martin for your suggestion, will def. cover that in a post Wow I8217m picking up so much information from you since discovering you in a google search while investigating selling on ebay. i have a question which I have spent loads of time on but can8217t seem to find an answer, apart from Linnworks which is too expensive for me. Is there any software out there, SMP or similar, that will help despatch ebay items, but importantly be able to use the A4 invoice sheets where the address peels off to stick on the packet AND is able to print the postage on the same form, again to be removed and stuck on the packet. It seems really easy to pick the goods from the invoice in front of you then simply peel, stick and post. I do have a Dymo 4XL but when bulk printing the postage and address on the labels I have to go and match them up on the order screen to see what to pick. Obviously this is prone to errors. Any advice will be very gratefully received. Andrew Minalto says Yes, there8217s very cheap software available that can do this for you: Hi Andrew, thank you for huge info about shipping. Its very useful. I have a problem : I an item 8211 quantity: 1500 8211 price that I paid: 1.50 8211 price that I would like to get: 2.50 Im asking for help because I really dont know what to do: What should I do to send 1500 items and still get any profit what is the best way to do it Do you think it is possible to earn anything Thank you in advance, Paul Andrew Minalto says How big is the item 1 for eBay, PayPal fees, shipping, packaging materials is not going to work, no8230 you need to sell it for higher price to cover costs and make some profit. I8217m relatively new to selling online (mostly eBay so far) and I8217ve recently applied for a Royal Mail PPI account. Do you know of an easy way to print postage labels in bulk (without postage) Andrew Minalto says Software like Channel Grabber, Linnworks can do this for you automatically. But they8217re quite expensive. Cheapest way would be to get a Dymo 450 label printer and use that in manual mode 8211 meaning you8217ll need to copypaste customer address in manually from eBay. Thanks very much for your help Andrew. I have recently downloaded Linnworks express which I was hoping to use to solve this problem. I think this it8217s going the best option in the long run so I might as well bite the bullet and try to get to grips with it asap (although that looks like it will be easier said than done). Can I also say that your website has been a massive help to me and I think you deserve a lot of credit for the effort you must put into it. Andrew Minalto says Thanks very much Helen 038 you8217re welcome Bradley Morley says Me and my friend are setting up our own eBay page and will be selling iPhone accessories. This article is exactly what I have been trying to find for weeks We have had meetings after meetings trying to figure out between us what needs doing when setting up a page as a seller. This is perfect. You8217ve covered everything so clearly and saved us a job by giving us a full scope on what options we can look at in terms of delivery I have saved this article to my favourites bookmarks to look back at when in need. Whilst at it, given that I have just stumbled across this article I haven8217t had a chance to explore your page further. Do you cover any other information about selling on eBay. We are struggling to understand how to sell our items as we want to do it as a business seller, but in order to do so we aren8217t sure whether this requires you to be registered as a business and whether we have to be VAT registered Our items we are selling will be brand new products. We have a supplier who we retain our goods from and we will be setting up our own eBay page to sell these goods on at our own profitable prices but unsure on how to go about the whole business seller option Is this something you can help me with. I8217d be so grateful. I look forward to hearing from you Andrew Minalto says Hi Andrew just looking at the Drop amp Go option which you mention (and I8217ve wondered about before). At the moment I print Address labels in bulk from Linnworks but dont spend enough to use PPI. Do you know if drop amp go is integrated into Linnworks as I dont want to print from the drop amp go interface but I8217m fed up with buying and sticking on stamps. First of all thanks for very good information. Few people like yourself would go out of their way to help others. I sell on eBay with big competitions I have just 900 feedbacks while my competitors have way more feedbacks and they sell quiet cheap what sort of profit margin should I look for when I buy something to sell on eBay For example I buy phone cases 0.80p other sellers sell it for 1.99 including postage or 2.99 including postage how can it possibly make money on that Or a hat I see a seller selling a cap for 0.99 plus 0.99 for shipping shipping alone without product cost is and eBay and PayPal fees comes to that price Please if you could let me know what to keep in mind when I put an item on sale on eBay like price, competition, profit margin Thanks and much appreciated Andrew Minalto says You8217re looking at completely wrong products selling at completely wrong prices. You8217ll NEVER be able to compete on eBay and make any profit if you follow this route. You have to stop looking at common, super cheap products millions of other people are already selling. You really have to put more time and energy into proper market research to find products with higher prices and less competition. A good starting point would be this guide: HI Andrew just wanted to ask 8230 I am selling small items what is around 3 pounds. Sending them via Royal Mail 1st Class delivery. After 5 days buyer sends mail that he has not received the item. What is the best option Should we send replacement or full refund is better. Andrew Minalto says Do you have a tracking info for that package If so 8211 what does it say If you don8217t have tracking info, apologies for delay to customer and ask whatever they would like to receive a refund or replacement sent (this time signed for only). Sean Pinto says Thanks for the informative article but I don8217t think offering free postage is always the best option (certainly for me) For example, I sell items that are of value around 10. I list then at a 0.99 price in an auction listing and offer 2nd class RM postage at 1.99 (small packet). I believe (and it works), because I offer the bidder the 8216excitement8217 of bidding (as opposed to Buy it now), i do well for 95 of my sales. So at the very least if i charge reasonable postage, at least that is covered if the bidding doesn8217t go well. I8217d be interested to know what your strategy would be in my kind of scenario to reducing postage (if there8217s any) Andrew Minalto says Obviously, you don8217t have to always offer free shipping BUT don8217t forget how huge impact it makes on your search positions. You may do well with added P038P yes but maybe your competitors are making much more sales, because they offer P038P and get ranked higher Another important aspect of this is competition 8211 if you sell in a very niche market, with small competition, sure 8211 charging for P038P won8217t affect you as simply there aren8217t that many listings you8217re competing with. Lastly 8211 don8217t forget about added benefits you get when using free P038P 8211 eBay8217s Premium Service badge (again, increased rankings), automatic 5 star DSRs for Shipping etc. Hi Thanks for info. Aim of always saving money. When using franking labels on parcels. Rather than buying stick on labels can I just sellotape label on, therefore taping over the franking mark or has this got to be free of sellotape Andrew Minalto says I think you can do that, yes. As long as it8217s clear, scanners should be able to read them. You can double check by making one and bringing to post office and ask them if it scans ok. What do you recommend for sending electronic goods (specifically used tablets). As you know the vast majority of couriers have such items in their prohibited items list, or will take no responsibility if they damage the item. Andrew Minalto says This is first time I hear that electronics are on prohibited list for couriers8230 Most electronics are sent via either courier or RM (smaller packages). Katie Steele says I am rather impressed with your article and it was interesting, informative, and also very helpful Thank you. But if there is one thing I have noticed in regards to people offering any sort of helpful or informative info in regards to how to make or save money selling on ebay, all they actually offer (that you can actually read all of without paying some sort of fee) is simple information that is basically common sense8230.and then tell you how they can offer you the ins and outs of all know-how on building a profitable buisness on ebay 8212 which, of course, they possess this know-how because THEY ARE a profitable buisness on ebay8230. but for a fee, of course. The point I am trying to get at is that I dont understand why people who claim to be running a profitable buisness on ebay (or anywhere for that matter) and claim to know what it is like to be desperate and broke and practically homeless and bankrupt blah blah blah, will only offer this so-called secret to sucess BUT ONLY IF YOU PAY THEM FOR IT. I think that if someone truly has struggled and honestly knows what its like to be a single mom of 3 (plus a 7 month old grandbaby) who pays all the bills by herself with NO help from the state or government or anything else, yet just lost her job and now is close to possibly loosing the roof over their heads, hardly has any food in her cupboards, has to dig thru dumptsters looking for aluminum cans and plastic bottles to recycle sometimes just to put food on the table or buy diapers8230. then they would understand that a majority of the people seeking such information really dont have that kind of money. I know for myself, the last thing I would want to do to someone that I can relate to and have experienced their struggles and know how hard it is to be down and out like that, is make them pay me for just a little bit of information that may help get them out of such poverty and crisis. I mean, come on. No wonder this world is so messed up8230. what ever happened to helping out those who are less fortunate (especially if you claim to have been among the less fortunate before). I just dont get it8230.. Andrew Minalto says Thanks for your comment. It8217s simple 8211 I8217m a business man and run this as a business, just like any other business I own. Creating a blog, updating it, creating courses takes A LOT, I mean 8211 A LOT of my time Time I could spend on anything I want. To make this whole thing worthwhile to me, I do sell some premium products, mind you, at very, very reasonablelow prices. For people who can8217t afford them, I do share lots of free information on my blog. I think this blog alone is worth money paying for, but I don8217t ask any fee for all the posts I have published here. So I think it8217s only fear that I also make some extra money by selling some high quality information products or make some cash via affiliate links. It8217s a true win-win situation for both sides. Katie Steele says Hi Andrew, I apologize if I came off harshly with the comment I made. It was in no way actually directed at you personally. In fact, I actually enjoy and also appreciate the things you say and the knowledge you offer freely8230. I guess you just, by chance, happened to get the brunt of my frustrations at my breaking point from the endless bills and what seems like sometimes the endless mouths to feed, and no matter how hard I try I just cant seem to get ahead. I know you could care less about my problems and I am not trying to spit my life story at you8230 just wanting to say 8220I8217m sorry8221 and also say I commend you for your success and by all means, keep doing what your doing. I don8217t hate on the successful, I just hate on the fact successful doesn8217t seems to be in my cards. Anyways, once again I apologize Have a great day Katie Andrew Minalto says No worries Katie, all good My issue is that I8217ve ended up having to use recorded for everything because believe it or not the moment I don8217t the moment I sell an item without I get the email saying it hasn8217t arrived. I even missed it off one listing but added it myself, and then received a SNAD email demanding a refund (she8217s not returned the item since I mentioned that I security mark my things to prevent switching). I really don8217t want to have to price myself out of the market with this but the demographic I seem to attract seem to be a lot of. ac. uk who seem to want items for free. There seems to be a level of entitlement and expectation with buyers which has mushroomed in the last five years. I8217m a mature student myself so losses hurt 8211 I don8217t know what to do. Then of course if you aren8217t selling at a high volume, negatives and 4 stars make a difference especially if they don8217t realise that Ebay now take 10 of the postage and that unless you post for free you can8217t do anything. Some buyers give 4 stars on principle not realising how much damage they can cause. I need to carry on with Ebay to fund my studies but how do I remain competitive, give people a good and fair service whilst not losing out myself Andrew Minalto says Yes, some nichesitems particularly attract a lot of scammers on eBay. There8217s no easy answer to your question I8217m afraid 8211 if the niche you8217re working in requires to use recorded only, you have to do it. Maybe you should look into other product groups that are less attractive to scammers As I know for sure that this mostly depends on items you sell as I see this happen every day when working with people 8211 in some niches (most) people are really genuine and sellers can maintain 100 feedback with ease while in other niches, there are a lot of trouble customers making the whole selling on eBay process miserable. Not much of a help, I know, but eBay is eBay 8211 it comes with disadvantages you trade in favor of such a big market. WoW this a great amount of information.. I have been doing Ebay for 15 years in the USA and shipping can make or break you. I have a work shop that I keep my shipping supplies in and I can ship everything from a small box on up to a forklift. I am always picking up boxes and packing material every where I go..No one cares that you had to buy tape, boxes and bubble wrap. people think that things just jump into a box and ships itself and no time spent on doing it.. Thank you for helping out. Hi I have a question. Royal Mail may be dearer than a courier but with Royal Mail I can guarantee I will get my goods. I buy a lot off ebay and I prefer to have my goods sent Via royal mail. My reasons are I8217m out most of the time. There is no access to the building after 2pm and they only deliver parcels up until 3pm. Most of the time they are early and will post a collection card. I can then go to the sorting office and pick up the parcel myself. I have had issues with unmaked couriers and unlnown delivery times. And its hacking me off because my last two parcels I purchased off ebay stated Royal Mail signed for but arrived by courier well one has I8217m still awaiting on the other. Is a seller allowed to do this advatise one methord of shipping then when payment is received use another. Andrew Minalto says Thanks for your comment. Yes, for many people Royal Mail is more practical, others, prefer couriers. It8217s a personal choice for buyers. But you do bring an interesting point about eBay sellers using different company than stated in the listing. I haven8217t researched this but my guess is that it is against eBay rules. I agree entirely, and sellers ideally should take this into account 8211 as a buyer Royal Mail is far preferable to private couriers. For two reasons 8211 Firstly, if I miss a RM delivery, the depot is 2 minutes walk away 8211 the private courier companies are about an hour round trip away by train (and at least some of them have the nerve to insist you 8216book8217 a specific hour to collect the item). This is a HUGE issue. Secondly, the RM guy (i. e the postman) knows the area very well, and knows how to get into blocks of flats like mine, even if I8217m not in (someone else will buzz him in if necessary) 8211 private couriers almost always fail to figure that out and as a result don8217t leave a 8216while you were out8217 card, which causes no end of problems. As a buyer I tend to be averse to sellers who use private courier companies. Where you say 8216tracked8217 does the item have to be fully tracked online in order to be protected by eBay or is a signature on delivery sufficient This is one thing I8217ve never really been able to find the answer to so have for the past year or so just used hermes for everything so I know I can track it online but if I can do it cheaper and still be covered that8217d be ideal. Andrew Minalto says This is a great article. Very interesting and lots of great advice, as usual. One thing you didn8217t point out is the high surcharges applied by courier companies for delivery to the Highlands and Islands (in fact, when it comes to large parcels some of them even charge more for delivery to the South West of England, Wales and the whole of Scotland). Royal Mail always charge the same for the whole of the UK. Sellers who have a customer in the Highlands therefore have a choice 8211 swallow the extra cost, try to charge extra to their customer, or refuse to deliver to the Highlands. This last tends to be what most of them opt for. Also, if you are a seller who happens to live in the Highlands, the so-called National couriers don8217t collect from Highland addresses themselves. They employ a third party courier (usually one based in Inverness) to collect the parcel and then deliver it to their hub for onward distribution by themselves. This literally adds days to the shipping process. For example, if you order a collection from MyHermes on a Monday, their system will tell you the earliest collection date will be the Thursday, this is because of the extra time needed for a third party to collect and then hand over the parcel. The trouble is, because MyHermes only issue the order to the third party courier on the Wednesday (the day before they want the collection to take place) in reality the collection only actually happens on the Friday. This is because the courier needs an extra 24 hours to arrange their delivery and collection schedule accordingly. That8217s the whole working week gone already Finally, the third party courier then has to pass the package on to MyHermes and this usually doesn8217t happen for another couple of days (more if the weekend gets in the way). So here we are, half way through week 2 and the parcel has only just been handed over to MyHermes. From this point on it goes quite quickly but many customers really don8217t want to wait for 2 weeks to get their item, but they also don8217t want to pay the amount that Royal Mail charge for delivery either. Andrew Minalto says Many Thanks for your comment and sharing your experience with us. love the article but still I am so confused about one thing. How on earth do people sell a item on ebay for example a sports drinking water bottle for around 2.60. I mean just the postage would cost around 2.80 for a small parcel. Anyone care to enlighten me Andrew Minalto says Those are shipping from HKChina where shipping costs are MUCH lower than in UK. Very useful site that has benefited me lots. so thank you. I wanted to ask if you could know anything about the following. On average I send out about 70 parcels a day plus, I use second class postage for the majority of my items (due to the value of what I sell). using PPI. The problem is my delivery rate. Now 99 of the time I get all my items out according to the dispatch time, the problem is my delivery rate with eBay is getting worse. At the moment it is over 8. As such I have lost my top rated seller status and more importantly I do not get the 10 discount. I feel like this is a problem a. with eBay as sometimes it seems they are generous in the estimated delivery time and also Royal Mail. I am at a loss at what I can do, if I am getting my items out on time what more can I do to resolve this issue I did ring eBay but they were pretty useless to be honest. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Vielen Dank. H. Dixon Trackbacks 8230 So first things first, you should always ensure you are using the best shipping option for the products you sell. Feel free to take a look at a previous guide I wrote here to help with this: The Ultimate Guide to Shipping for eBay Sellers. 8230 8230 sellers certainly arent paying for it from their own pockets, buyers are. Please check out my Shipping guide for eBay sellers to learn more about 8230 Featured Partners:

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